Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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31 OF ENGINEERING FORMULAE. Tests ok Iron. (Indian Store Department.) Material. J Ultimate Stress. Tons per sq. in. Contraction pör cent, of area at fracture- Highest Class. Lowest Class. Highest Class. Lowest Class. Bars, round & square. 27 23 45 20 Do. flat 26 22 40 16 Angle or T • ■ • • 25 21 30 12 Plate lengthways .. 24 20 20 8 Do. crossways .. 22 17 12 3 Materials tested to 4 per cent, of total value. Materials under specified strain are accepted if the contrac- tion is proportionally higher. Admiralty Tests fok Ikon Plate. Hot, to bend without fracture from 90° to 125°. Cold Test, to beud without fracture to the following angles:— Lengthways. Crossways. 1 in. plate..........10° to 15° 5° | „ ..........20° „ 25° 5° to 10° i „ ..........30° „ 35° 10° „ 15° I „ __________55° „ 70° 20° „ 30° Tests fob Cast Ibon. A common test for cast iron is 1 ton on the centre of an inch square bar 1 foot between supports; or 30 cwt. on the centre of a bar 2 inches deep X 1 inch wide and 3 feet between supports—the bar to bear the load without breaking. Tükneb’s Scale pok Steel, T. contains from 1 • 65 to 1 -40 carbon. II. „ V40„l-15 „ III. „ 1-15 „0'90 „ IV. „ -90 „ -65 „ V. „ -65 „ -40 „ VI. „ ’40 „ -15 „ ■ VH. „ ’15 „ -0 „