Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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32 Molesworth’s pocket-book Experiments on Steel for Ship-büilding. (Naval Architects, 1878. B. Martell.) 1. Iron plates with butt straps and double chain riveting, holes punched, linear tensile strain 17 • 9 tons, broke through rivet holes. 2. Steel plates not annealed after punching, 16-I tons per square inch, rivets sheered. 3. Same as 2, but with zigzag riveting, 19’2 tons. 4. Steel plates, same as 3, with steel rivets, 22-5 tons per square inch; rivets shearing in some cases, plates breaking in others. 5. Steel plates very thin suffer less from punching than iron. 6 Difference in loss of strength by punching steel and iron does not require special precautions up to i inch thick. 7. Above 5 inch thick the loss to iron varied from 20 to 23 per cent., and in steel from 22 to 33 per cent. ' 8. By annealing after punching the whole of the lost strength was restored, and in some cases greater relative strength was obtained than existed in the original plate. (Dr. Siemens is of opinion that nothing is gained by annealing.) 9. The steel was only Injured a small distance round the punched holes, and by riming from to J round the holes the injured part was removed, *i<l no loss of strength was observed any more than if the hole had been drilled. In drilled plates no appreciable loss of tensile strength was observed:— Boiler plate .. .. 7-618 specific gravity. Mild steel .. .. 7*820 „ „ Proportional Strength of “ Ship ” and “ Bridge ” Steel, (Adamson.) d.s Mild Ship Steel Bridge Steel .. | J> e. S3 ns 1 18| to 22| 35jto46j •09 •420