Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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33 OF ENGINEERING FORMULAE. Corrosion of Iron and Steel. (B. H. Thwaite.) C — Coefficient of corrosion during 1 year’s exposure in lbs. avoirdupois per square foot. (For value of C, seo Table.) W = Weight in lbs. of 1 foot length of the section exposed. L — Length in feet of the perimeter exposed. If both the inside and outside perimeters are exposed to the cor- rosive action, they must both be Included. W * Y — The number of years’ life of the metal = -r—- • C Lt Table of Values of C. Corroding Agents. p .Ä § . 48 £ i I 'S I Cast iron............. Wrought iron......... Steel ................. Cast iron (skin removed) by planing) .. .. f Cast - iron surface pro- ) tected by galvanizing ! Cant iron In contact with brass lbs. 1 *0656 •19561 •1944' •2301 •0895 I 5 its. 0635 1285 0970 0888 PR lbs. •0381 •1440 •1133 •0728 0359 ■03T1 „ „ copper.. .. .. „ „ gun-metal .. .. Best wrought iron in contact with brass .. „ „ copper .. „ „ „ gun-metal els lbs. I lbs. I •0113!-0476j •0123 ■0125 ■0109 •12541 •1252 •0884 0048 -0199 aS lbs. •1908 •2003 •3493 •2779 •4012 •4537 £ If painted once a year, multiply the result by 2 • 0. „ „ in 2 years, „ „ 1-8. » >, 3 „ „ „ 1’6. * Y is baaed on the assumption that the metal is tolerably uniform in thickness, otherwise the thin portions will have a shorter life than the average of the section. In experiments of iron in acid, it was found that the metals, according to their impurities, lost most in the same time—steel less) than iron, soft steel less than hard steel. Ou the second day tha soft steel lost more than hard; on the fourth day the less was equal.