Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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34 Molesworth’s pocket-book Notes on Ikon. CLASSIFICATION OF PIG IKON. No. 1 (Iron). Fracture dark grey, with high metallic lustre. Crystals large, with lustre like newly cut lead; is useful for fine castings), being easily fused and Üuid when melted. No. 2 is intermediate between No. 1 and No. 3. No. 3. Fracture of a lighter grey than No. 1, with less lustre; crystals larger and brighter at the centre than at the sides, useful for large castings. No. 4 (or Bright). Fracture light grey, with small crystals and little lustre; is not sufficiently fusible for casting, and is generally used in the manufacture of wrought iron. No. 5 (Mottled). Fracture dull white, with pale greyish specks and a line of white iron round the edge of the fracture. No. 6 (White). Fracture white, with little lustre; granulated, but with radiating crystalline appearance. It is the worst, hardest, and most brittle of the pig irons, and ia only used for the manufacture of inferior bar iron. PERCENTAGE OF CARBON IN IRON AND STEEL. Spiegeleisen.. ..4-3 to 6'9 Swedish Pig...........4‘8 Grey Pig .. .. 2 • 8 to 3 • 5 Mottled and White 2 • 10 to 3 • 0 Refined Iron...........3'0 Puddled Steel, hard ..1*38 Ditto, soft ........... ‘5 Cast Steel ...........1’34 File Steel ........... 1’2 Double Shear Steel .. ’ 7 Masons’Tool steel .. 0'6 Railway Tire .. • 27 to • 32 i Steel Rails .. ..-24to'30 Hard Bar Iron .. .. '4 Ditto, Swedish .. .. "3 Staffordshire Plate .. '19 Armour Plate .. .. '17 ; Swedish Bar, soft .. '07 I Low Moor............‘016