The World's Columbian Exposition
Chicago. U.S.A. 1893
Forfatter: V. Christensen
År: 1893
Forlag: Nielsen & Lydiche Printers
Sted: Copenhagen
Sider: 8
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
Group 93, Class 585; Group 96, Class 601; Group 97,
Class 604, 605; Group 98, Class 612
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Professor PI. Olrik-, the Flower stand, Professor 01-
rik’s last work, shows in four reliefs the four
Elements. At the handle Love is represented,
and at the legs the Beasts of Darkness are
shown. The flower stand is chased by Mr. Thor,
the candelabra by the engraver Mr. Schmalfeldt
and the chaser Mr. Strøm.
A Service, Renaissance, modeled by Professor
C. Peters, enchased by Mr. F. Schmalfeldt.
A Service, antique Style, modeled by Professor
C. Peters, enchased by Messrs. Schmalfeldt and Jensen.
honors atvarbeb.
The following Honors have been awarded to
Mr. V. Ch riste sen:
1861 Danish Medal »Ingenio ct arte«.
— Swedish Gold Medal »Litteris et artibus«.
1878 The Cross of Knighthood of the Danish
order of Danebrog.
— Officicr de 1’Instruction publique.