The World's Columbian Exposition
Chicago. U.S.A. 1893
Forfatter: V. Christensen
År: 1893
Forlag: Nielsen & Lydiche Printers
Sted: Copenhagen
Sider: 8
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
Group 93, Class 585; Group 96, Class 601; Group 97,
Class 604, 605; Group 98, Class 612
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smaller utensils, as spoons, after objects from
the middle ages preserved at that Museum.
As particularly prominent works among the
exhibits of Mr. Christesen the following may be
pointed out here:
A Renaissance Silver Shield (see Fig. 7) illus-
trating scenes from the life of the Danish King
Valdemar the Conqueror. In the centre the Vol-
mar battle (1219) is seen in which the Danish
flag called Dancbrog descended from heaven bring-
ing victory to the Danes. The shield has been
composed and modeled by Professor H. Olrik (d.
1890), and chased by the engraver Mr. F. Schmal-
A Centre piece in bronze (see Fig. 8) with al-
legoric representations of the Triumphal proces-
sion of Galathea and the Elopement of Agnete
with the Merman. It has been composed and
modeled by Professor C. Peters, chased by the en-
graver Mr. F. Schmalfeldt, the sculptor Mr. Pingel
and the chaser Mr. Strøm.
A Flower stand (see Fig. 14) and two Cande-
labra (sec Fig. 13) composed and modeled by