The World's Columbian Exposition
Chicago. U.S.A. 1893
Forfatter: V. Christensen
År: 1893
Forlag: Nielsen & Lydiche Printers
Sted: Copenhagen
Sider: 8
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
Group 93, Class 585; Group 96, Class 601; Group 97,
Class 604, 605; Group 98, Class 612
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soon felt that the small town did not yield suffi-
cient means for his activity. The assistance he
required in artistic as well as in technical respects
was not to be had there.
So he decided to leave for the capital, and
in 1856 he established himself at Copenhagen
where he at once proceeded to give to art the
greatest possible influence on his works. And his
endeavors met with a great success, understanding,
as he did, how to associate with his work artists
like Messrs. C. Peters and H. Olrik. His produc-
tions attracted the attention of connoisseurs in Den-
mark and abroad, and were in great demand on
account of the workmanship shown in their execu-
tion and their purity of taste which often made
them the object of notices in foreign periodicals;
of which The- Art Journal published in London
may be named in particular.
A speciality which has also attracted general
attention to Mr. Christesen’s Establishment, even
at international expositions, is its reproductions of
ornaments from originals at the Museum of
Old Northern Antiquities, and also its copies of