Cylinder Oil 600 W What Is For, What Will It Do 1920
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The construction of the various types of valves limits their
use, as to steam pressure and steam temperature. For in-
stance, slide valves are seldom used above 120 Ib. steam
pressure and a total steam temperature of 450° F.; Corliss
valves are seldom used for steam pressures above 160 Ib.
and a total steam temperature of 520° F., whereas piston
and drop valves are used for the highest steam pressures
and steam temperatures.
Under conditions of high steam pressure and high super-
heat, Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W, if thoroughly atomized
with the steam and if uniformly and sparingly used, will
spread to the best advantage, forming a thin lubricating
film over all the internal surfaces. There is no surplus oil
to which possible impurities in the steam can adhere, so
that the lubrication will not only be efficient but also very
clean, not permitting the development and accumulation
of carbonaceous deposits.
It is particularly important that Gargoyle Cylinder Oil
600 W should be sparingly fed to the metallic packings
usually employed under superheated steam conditions.
The oil remains stagnant in the casing holding the metallic
packing, exposed to the high temperature, in which case
any oil fed in excess will gradually evaporate and lead to
the formation of a deposit.
Under certain conditions it is desirable to extract the oil
from the exhaust steam and to eliminate, as far as possible,
the danger arising from oil getting into the boilers.
Straight mineral cylinder oils separate more easily from the