Lærebog I Styrmandskunster
eller Styrmandskunsten practisk og theoretisk forklaret, tilligmed de dertil fornödne Tabeller

Forfatter: S.L. Tuxen

År: 1844

Forlag: Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 631

UDK: 656.605

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Tabel 31 Brede, Længde og Havnetid 561 Navne. Brede. Længde. 0 / // 0 ✓ // Port Jackson 44 10 ON 77 3 40V Sambro Hd. Ligth.. 44 33 0 76 8 30 ^Halifax Harb 44 44 0 76 1140 g Misv. 13° 36' NV. «Pt. Stephens 45 0 0 74 33 30 Sandwich Harb 45 8 0 74 11 30 > Torbay 45 12 0 73 51 30 ®Port Howe 45 14 0 73 38 30 C. Canco 45 20 7 73 30 30 Misv. 15° NV. Sable Isl. EPt 44 4 0 7235 30 — VPt 44 4 0 73 5 30 C. Hinchinbroke.... 45 34 0 731130 . St. Esprit 45 37 0 73 2 30 “C. Portland 45 48 0 72 38 30 - Louisbourg ........ 45 53 40 72 30 30 zSoasery Isl 46 130 72 13 30 ® Flint Isl 46 9 0 7218 30 2 Spanish Bay 46 13 0 72 43 30 -Port Dauphin 4(5 21 0 73 5 30 “ C. North 47 6 0 73 330 < Chelicun Harb 46 42 0 73 33 30 wSea Wolff... 46 27 0 73 47 30 Port Hood.............. 46 2 0 74 8 30 H. T. C. North............ C. V. Point......... s* Misv. 16u NO. ^C. Egmont........... ’“Hillsborough Bay... z Charlotte Town .... ©Port Joy............ "’Bear Cape.......... h George Town........ 'East Point......... Richmond Bay........ Gut of Canso: North Entrance.. C. St. Georges...... Pictou Isl.......... C. Tormentine....... Richibueto Harb.... Escuminac Pt........ Miscon Isl. Entr, to Chaleur Bay....... C. Despair.......... Bonaventure Isl..... Flat Point.......... C. Gaspe............ Magdalen River .... St. Ann’s River .... «C. Chat............. £ Mount Camille..... zBic Island.......... kAnticosta Isl. EPt... M South Pt........... £ South W. Pt.... z Jupiters River,.... West Point...... North Point..... Magdalen Isl. NE.Pt. Misv. 17|° NV. 47 7 0 46 37 0 46 28 0 46 6 0 46 14 0 4611 0 46 3 0 4614 0 46 27 0 46 38 0 45 44 0 45 52 0 45 51 0 46 9 0 46 44 0 47 3 0 48 4 0 48 27 0 48 33 20 48 38 0 48 47 30 4913 0 49 8 0 49 9 0 48 37 0 48 30 0 49 9 0 49 6 0 49 22 0 49 26 0 49 50 0 49 56 0 47 41 0 76 11) 30 76 45 30 76 25 30 75 31 38 7’5 25 30 76 32 45 74 48 30 74 55 30 74 21 30 76 2 30 74* 6 30 74 35 30 75 5 30 76 11 30 77 1130 77 8 30 76 49 30 76 32 30 7628 30 76 23 30 76 25 30 77 18 30 78 43 30 78 55 30 79 55 30 81 130 74 17 30 74 44 30 76 0 15 76 0 45 76 50 30 76 2730 73 40 30 Navne. I Brede. Længde. T. / 0 / // 0 / // £ Amherst Isl. SVPt.. 4715 or « 74 23 30 V Entry Isl 47 17 0 74 o 3Q . Deadman’s Isl 47 17 0 74 33 30 £ Biron Isl 47 52 0 73 47 30 to. Birds Island 47 55 0 73 21 30 ° St. Paul Isl 47 11 30 72 37 30 SC. Ray 47 37 0 71 48 30 g Misv. 20° NV- C. Anguille 47 55 0 71 57 50 C. St. Georges 48 28 0 71 50 30 South Head 49 6 0 71 3 30 Misv. 22* ° NV. C. St. Gregory 49 20 0 70 55 30 Bon Bay 49 36 0 70 40 3(1 Ingornehoix 50 37 17 69 51 0 Pt. Riche 50 40 10 ß9 5« Baye St. Jean 50 50 0 ßo 5*-? ‘-tn Pt. Ferrolle 51 2 0 69 46 30 Misv. 24g° NV. Seal Islands 51 20 0 C. Norman 51 38 23 68 35 30 Belle Isle 51 57 0 68 5 30 C. Degrat 5140 0 68 5 30 St. Lunair Bay 51 28 57 68 5 30 C. St. Antoine 5120 0 (58 11 30 Hari IJay Entr 51 17 0 68 20 30 Croque Harb 51 3 17 68 "25 30 Groais Island 51 0 0 gq 17 Green Island 50 47 0 68 10 39 Horse Island 50 21 0 69 26 30 C. Perdrix 50 16 0 C. St. John 50 10 0 68 13 30 Newbay Head 49 57 0 ß« i sn Twillingate Is! 50 3 0 ß7 15 30 Fago Isl 50 0 0 ßß 9Q QH Woodham Isl 49 55 0 66 5 30 Cap Freels 49 34 0 Cape Bonavista 48 56 0 65 9 30 Pt. Grates 48 22 0 7 Cape St. Francis ... 47 57 0 65 5 30 St. Jolins Harb 47 32 44 65 1 0 Bull Bay 47 21 0 a qn Cap Broyle 47 8 0 ßn 1 0 ö Cape Ballard 46 49 0 65 25 30 < Cape Race 46 40 0 65 M n o Misv. 23“ 45' NV. p Trcpasses Bay ..... 46 43 30 65 51 30 9 Cape Pine (55 5 30 £ Cape St. Mary 46 52 0 66 42 30 § Misv. 22» 46/ nv. Morii er Harb 47 10 0 67 3R 30 Chapeau Rouge .... 46 53 0 67 57 30 Pt. May 1(5 55 0 GS 37 St. Peters Town ... 16 4G 30 68 45 30 Lille Miquelon..... 1710 0 G8 56 30 Great Miquelon .... 17 9 0 68 58 30 Brunet Isl t7 16 0 68 85 20 Fortune Hd 17 9 0 68 27 an Pinguins Isl 17 21 0 69 38 30 Ramea Is!. 7 32 0 69 59 30 Ihirgeo Isl 17 36 30 70 11 45 Connojr Bay 17 38 0 70 31 30 H.T. T. ' Lærebog- ■ Styrtnaixlsliiinsten, 2 D. 3(5