Lærebog I Styrmandskunster
eller Styrmandskunsten practisk og theoretisk forklaret, tilligmed de dertil fornödne Tabeller

Forfatter: S.L. Tuxen

År: 1844

Forlag: Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 631

UDK: 656.605

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________________________________________________________ 562 Brede, Længde og Havnetid. Tabel 31. Navne. Brede. Længde. ILT. Navne. Brede. Længde. H.T. Quebec___________ Coudres Isl........ < Pt. NV. Point...... S. St. Paul Bay...... < Bay of Rocks....... w Isle Verte Ligth.... Et. Millevache..... Pt. Manicougan .... C. Montpelles...... Seven Islands Bay.. Mingan Isl......... St. Johns River .... Esquimaux Isl...... St. Charles Isl.... Hunting Isl........ . St. Genevieve Isl. .. g Mont Joly.......... J Litie Mecatine_____ 5 Great Mecatine •... Q'Misv. 23° NV. w St. Augustins Bay .. Esquimaux Bay.... Belle Isl.......... C. Charles........ 46 48 30N 47 15 33 47 16 0 48 0 0 48 5 0 48 45 0 49 12 0 49 27 0 5010 0 5016 0 50 20 0 50 18 0 50 19 0 50 21 0 50 22 0 50 5 0 50 28 0 50 45 0 51 13 0 5125 0 5157 0 52 15 0 C. St. Michel______ .Wolffs Isl......... g Sandwich Bay....... o Biron Bay.......... & C. Webuck________ S David« Strait Ent... - Port Monvers...... Misv. 40° 10' NV. 52 45 53 42 53 48 54 55 55 48 56 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 41 OV 82 54 25 82 59 30 82 17 30 81 53 30 81 1330 8017 30 79 26 30 78 35 30 76 21 30 763230 75 46 30 75 31 30 75 21 30 75 17 30 74 2 30 72 5 30 71 41 30 71 2230 70 5 30 (58 5 30 68 5 30 68 15 30 68 11 30 69 17 30 70 15 30 72 47 30 74 35 30 T. Moose Fort......... Main house......... Charlston Isl...... York Fort.......... . C. Curchili....... h Prince of Wales Fort < Marble Isl......... h C. Dobbes.......... 73 C. Walsingham .... gC. Dyer............. > Sanderon’s Hope ... C. Bedford________ Waygate Isl........ 0 / // i 51 1554N 5215 0 52 3 0 57 148 57 48 0 58 47 32 6233 0 65 0 0 64 5 0 65 20 0 66 18 0 66 55 0 70 40 0 93 31 36 V 91 17 30 92 30 30 105 7 30 105 47 30 1064925 103 41 30 99 17 30 78 45 30 78 50 30 80 45 30 81 5 30 60 5 30 T. XXVII. Grönland, Island, Spitzbergen og de hosliggende Oer. 1808., C. Chidley_________ Button Isl......... C. Recolution...... ^Saddleback Isl______ Upper Savage Isl. .. g North Bluff........ C. Charles......... « C. Dorset.......... o C. Pembroke........ qC. Walsingham .... æMisv. 44° NV. C. Bigges.......... Salisbury Isl...... Mansfield I. NPt.... — SPt.... 6014 0 60 35 0 6129 0 6217 0 62 32 30 62 34 0 62 46 30 64 50 0 62 57 0 62 39 0 6241 0 63 29 0 6238 30 6135 0 C. Southampton ... North Sleepers.... West Sleepers .... -Portland Pt. ..... 5 Baker’s Dozen .... M Belchers NPt...... z James Bay: ® C. Henrietta ... g C. Jones ......... a Bear Isl.......... North Cubb........ 6210 0 6138 0 60 8 0 59 0 0 58 5 0 56 20 0 55 10 0 54.50 0 54 34 0 54 20 0 The Tweses.......53 12 0 Albany Fort 52 14 40 77 55 30 77 55 30 77 45 30 80 48 30 83 23 30 83 31 30 86 50 30 89 47 30 95 1130 90 23 30 91 25 30 89 22 30 93 8 30 93 35 30 98 38 30 92 20 30 94 1130 91 5 30 92 5 30 92 50 30 95 5 30 912930 93 59 30 93 23 30 93 10 30 94 35 32 Disco Ö, NPft...... — SOIPt......... Misv. 73» NV.. (1812.) Muskitto Covee..... Godthaup Inddlöh til Boals Riverr..... Passe de l’Ouirs.... ä Maab.............. C. Comfort......... jj C. Desolation.... :o C. Farwell________ § C. Discord________ Bontokoe Ö_______ (Gael Hamkes JB. ... Jean Mayen Ö...... C. Reikianess...... Bessested.......... Sneefield lökcl.... Patrix Fiord....... Straumness________ C. Nord............ q Hola ____...... .... Grim Ö............. Riekefiord......... ” Langanees.__........ Wreeland.Öer....... Portland Ö......... C. Hekla.__......... Westman Öer______ C. South.......... zFair Foreland...... e Amsterdam Isl.: § Hackluyts Hd.... “ Smeerenburg Hd.... h Misv. 18° 57' NV. Verleegen hook .... Hope Isl........... Bear or Cherry Isl... 70 22 ON 69 9 0 64 55 13 64 9 55 63 20 0 6157 0 6155 0 60 58 0 59 38 0 60 27 0 73 15 0 75 0 0 71 10 0 60 3 30V 58 45 30 65 32 35 64 22 15 61 45 30 61 59 30 62 1 30 61 35 30 57 38 30 55 55 30 19 40 30 19 26 30 2225 0 63 55 0 64 6 9 64 52 20 65 35 4.5 65 39 40 66 34 0 65 44 0 66 57 0 66 30 0 66 25 0 63 55 0 63 22 0 63 22 0 63 20 30 76 32 78 53 79 46 79 44 80 7 76 30 74 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 22 30 34 29 15 36 29 30 36 45 30 37 4 45 34 45 30 3219 30 31 47 30 30 10 30 28 54 30 30 54 30 31 25 30 32 29 30 33 315 1 9 300 3 50 30 V 2 46 30 2 44 45 4 14 30 0 7 52 30 2 9 30