The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)
Forfatter: Edward Butler
År: 1916
Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited
Sted: London
Sider: 120
UDK: 621.431.31
With 88 Illustrations
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of petrol motors in particular, indicate a more and more
pronounced tendency for continual aclvance, but at
the same time a capacity for instant flexibility of action,
combined with an ability for running reliably at speeds
ranging from one-fifth of normal, to meet modern require-
ments in high-class motor cars. In the attainment of
this result the ad vant age of a pilot or auxiliary jet was
early recognized; the Brooke double-jet carburettor
of 1904, for instance, was fitted with a pilot jet in addi-
tion to a diapliragm controlled sleeve regulator d, v
Fig. 32. Fig. 33.
Figs. 32 and 33.—Typical Constant Mixture Carburettors with Combined Action of
Automatic Air and Spray Control.
(vide Fig. 32), for the purpose of admitting a supple-
mentary supply of air to compensate for the depression
around the spraying nozzle, as the result of open throttle
and inereased volume of mixture supplied to the motor,
as by the governor-controlled piston valve h, wheri
exceeding a certain predeterniined limit. The action
of this carburettor, as will be recognised, so far resembles