The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)
Forfatter: Edward Butler
År: 1916
Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited
Sted: London
Sider: 120
UDK: 621.431.31
With 88 Illustrations
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that shown in Fig. 23, excepting in the disposition of the
spraying nozzle s, which instead of .being placed in the
choke-tube b and subjected to the effect of a cross current,
is in this carburettor arranged directly under the supple-
mentary air inlet, and in consequence of the downwarcl
flow of air this has the tendency to check an increasing
aspiration of spray due to depression in the mixing
chamber. The distihguishing feature, however, of the
Brooke carburettor is the auxiliary nozzle s1, which is
arranged to be brought into play at starting and for
very slow running by a drum regulator r, which when
moved to the position F, as shown, is open for a straiglit
through flow to the motor : but when moved round to
the position 8, communication from the throttle is
completely shut-off, and the motor runs entirely on the
pilot jet s1, the primary nozzle <s o wing to the low de-
pression produced in the mixing chamber, then being
entirely inoperative. The auxiliary nozzle is also brought
into play to a varying degree, while the motor is running
throttled down, and in this manner supplements the
feed of the main jet ; by reason of this also, the choke-
tube b can be made larger, and thus permit a freer flow
of air into the mixing chamber than can be obtained
in a carburettor depending on the action of a single
In the Solex double-jet carburettor (Fig. 33) a mixture
of constant strength can be obtained in a simplified
manner. Here, it will be seen, the auxiliary jet is com-
bined with a small air valve to enable the Spray to be
automatically shut off, as soon as the motor has speeded
up beyond a predetermined limit. In this there is no
supplement ary air valve used or required, and the main