Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893
Danmark: A. Michelsen. [Special-udstilling]
År: 1893
Forlag: Nielsen & Lydiche Printers
Sted: Copenhagen - Denmark
Sider: 40
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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Krog, a massive silver centre piece and corre-
sponding candelabra (sec Fig. 11 and 12), and
from a design by Mr. Herns Tegner, a golden
wreath presented by Danish school children.
In 1892 the Establishment supplied, as a
present from the Danish Royal Couple, their
children and sons-and-daughters-in-law, to H. M.
King George of Greece and Queen Olga three
tureens, and as a present trom the Grand-duke
Paul of Russia a pair of branch candlesticks;
all of them from originals in the plate room
of the royal Danish household.