Efficiency Methods
An Introduction to Scientific Management

Forfatter: A.D. McKillop, M. McKillop

År: 1917

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 215

UDK: 658.01. mac kil. gl

With 6 Illustrations.

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CHAPTER XI STANDARDIZATION OF METHODS (Continued) C. The Schedule Time or Standard Task The final product of all these careful studies is the fixing of a proper time for an operation, when it is performed by a standard method under standard conditions. In some works this time is spoken of as schedule time simply; but the expression “ stan- dard task ” has been more common. Dr. Taylor used the word “ task,” though he deprecated the unfortunate connection with “ slave-driving ” given by adopting the word, which suggests some objec- tionable pressure on the worker.1 Mr. Gantt has made the word entirely his own by calling his method of remuneration the “ Task and Bonus System.” Dr. Taylor suggested, and the point is urged more strongly by Mrs. Gilbreth in her “ Psychology of Management,” that the general mental effect of having a definite amount of work to do in a certain time is helpfully stimulating ; and that people often prefer working towards a definite goal. The Psychological Review for 1906 contains an interesting 1 " Principles of Scientific Management,” p. 120. 104