Efficiency Methods
An Introduction to Scientific Management

Forfatter: A.D. McKillop, M. McKillop

År: 1917

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 215

UDK: 658.01. mac kil. gl

With 6 Illustrations.

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THE INSTALLATION OF EFFICIENCY METHODS 201 wait until this thorough overhauling has been accomplished. Full and complete standardization of tools, material and general equipment usually forms the first step when all is ready. Before this is com- plete, the segregation of similar machines and appliances can be made, and this rearrangement will form a good opportunity to initiate the system of functional foremen, with more specialized duties. Another innovation which can often be brought in at an early stage is the establishment of a form of instruction card, not yet, of course, based as it will be eventually on time- and motion-study, but one giving instruction in the details of work, particularly the speed of the machines, which is drawn up by a skilled and experienced operator placed in the office. He can have men with the functions of the “ speed-bosses ” working under him in the shops. A card of this kind will at any rate supersede the old-fashioned method of the foreman guessing at proper times and speeds ; it may be made a natural development out of any rate-fixing organization that already exists. When its meaning is carefully explained to the workers it should become popular with them ; especially if they are only semi-skilled. Written instructions can be made very acceptable, and these will pave the way for the permanent instruction card that will follow later on. Specification of process and of material cannot be carried out effectively until materials and equip- ment have undergone a considerable amount of