The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material

Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer

År: 1916

Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son

Sted: London

Sider: 752

UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim

Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant

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58 THE MECHANICAL HANDLING OF MATERIAL lengthy period at a point 50 ft. from the feed end, half the conveyor can be disconnected simply by taking the four bolts out of the nearest coupling, and in order to do so a ring b should be near to such a point to carry the tube ends, c are the rollers on which the- ring b or the flange coupling are supported. Fig. (55. End Outlet. The delivery at the opposite end can be either open, so that the material simply drops out, or it can be enclosed, which is preferable, to prevent dust. Such an enclosed end outlet, as well as intermediate inlets and outlets, are shown in Figs. 64, 65? 66, 67,