The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material
Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer
År: 1916
Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son
Sted: London
Sider: 752
UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim
Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant
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Self-trimming barges of Hamburg-America Line,
— — — of Pittsburg Coal Co., 478
----— of Werf Conrad, 480
Self-trimming lighter, Philip’s, 482
Self-unloaders. See Self-Emptying Wagons
Shaking feeder, 205
Sharp and cutting material, conveyors for, 41
— or lively materials, elevating, 14, 21
Sheppard & Sons, Ltd., double tip built by, -533
Shoots and spouts from elevators, 26
—■ — incline of, 27, 195
Shovel-buckets, 320, 650
Silo granaries compared with floor granaries, 668
— warehouse (small), by R. Dinglinger, 683
Silos of bricks or cement, 668
— of ferro-concrete, 669
— of iron, 669
— of wood, 668
— their shape and construction, 668
— (transit) on the Thames, 694
Simon, Henry, Ltd., floating pneumatic elevator built
by, 220
— — — grain-handling machinery at Immingham
Dock, supplied by, 702
— Richard, & Sons, Ltd., “Nomis” automatic beam
scale, 708
----— automatic sack filling and weighing machine,
— — — spiral gravity sack shoot, 196
— Simplex ” grain scale, 716
Skip, self-discharging, of Taylor & Hubbard, 393
— with semicircular jaws, 394
Skips and grabs, discharging by means of, 392
— or shovel buckets, 320, 650
Slag casting machine, Hawdon, 176
Slaughter-house conveyors, 71
Slat conveyor (double service), 101
— or lattice conveyors, 101
Smith, Lyman, 207
— Roger T., 595
Smulders’ floating loader, 483
Soar’s coal-lowering apparatus, 615
— loader, 106
Société Anonyme d’O Ugree-Marihaye, “Thomas
roller conveyor at, 183
S oc. Ilva (Bagnoli, near Naples), cokery at, 373
Soft and clinging materials, elevating, 14, 21, 23
Southall Gasworks, steel plate conveyor at, 98
South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, coaling railway
engines on, 618
— — — self-discharging ballast wagon of, 501
Speed equalising gears for long link chains driven
from hexagonal terminals, 192
Speed of Babcock & Wilcox tipping tray conveyor,
----band conveyors, 89, 90, 142
----Bolinder timber conveyor, 184, 186
cable trough conveyor, 68
— — cableways, 307, 321
----continuous trough conveyors, 107, 142
— — elevators, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 33
__ — endless rope haulage, 246, 249, 254, 256, 260,
----endless trough conveyor, 107
— —furnace hoists, 347, 349
______gravity bucket conveyor, 123, 128, 133, 139
__ — hot coke conveyors, 145, 147, 150, 155
----pneumatic elevators, 213, 219, 220 ~
______push-plate conveyors, 61, 62, 66, 67
Speed of ropeways, 266, 267, 268, 289, 290
—----- Sandvik steel belt conveyor, 97
— —■ telphers, 338, 339
— — transporters, 427, 431, 433, 434, 439
— — torpedo conveyor, 120
— — tubular worm conveyors, 55, 60
— —■ U-link conveyor, 62, 63
— — vibrating or reciprocating trough conveyors,
114, 118, 120, 121
-----worm conveyors, 46, 47
—■ — Zimmer conveyor, 114
Spencer & Co., Ltd., 93, 453, 457, 460, 469, 4/2,
482, 603, 604, 689, 691, 694
Spencer’s granary floor spouting, 689
Spielvogel, W., 455
Spilling of elevators, 14
Spiral gravity shoots, 196
—---------capacity of, 197
Spontaneous ignition of coal, 651, 663
-----—■ reasons for, 652
Spouts and shoots from elevators, 26
-----incline of, 27, 195
S quires, P., & Co., conveyor for meat at, 71
Stacking of coal, 651
Stahl und Eisen, 172, 269
Shapton, William, 677
Steel belt conveyor (flexible), 93
—---------idlers for, 95
—---------inclination of, 96
----------intermediate delivery from, 93, 96
------------------— steering gear for, 96
— ■ — — terminal drums of, 94
Steel Cable Engineering Co., 71, 100, 126, 128, 129,
■ — plate conveyors, 98
Stephan, Dr P., 338
Stevenson coal tip, 526
Stock hoppers, feeding elevators from, 13
—■ piles or heaps, 355, 650
— — — on the “ Dodge” system, 653, 656
Stole coke loader, 383
Stone’s ash expeller, 238
— underline pneumatic ash ejector, 234
Storage plant for phosphates, 659
Storing coal and other-minerals in stock heaps and
silos, 650
-----in silos, 661
Stuttgart, granaries at, 680
Suction and blast combined pneumatic system, 210
— nozzle for pneumatic elevator, 208, 209, 212, 219,
— pipes for pneumatic elevator, 208, 216, ‘218, 220,
223, 224, 225
— system (pneumatic), 209
Suess conveyor, 46, 55
-----capacity of, 60
Sun Flour Mills (Bromley-by-Bow), granaries at,
Sunderland gravity coal shipper. 529
Suplee, H. H., on “ The Replacement of Man by the
Machine,” 2
Surrey Commercial Docks, pneumatic grain-handling
installation at, 220
Sutcliffe, Richard, coal face conveyor of, 161
Swinging bucket conveyor, 129
— conveyor. See Zimmer Conveyor
— plate feeder, 204
Swing tray elevators and lowerers, 31, 34, 138
— elevators, capacity of. 33
power required, 33