Kosmos III
Udkast til en physisk Verdensbeskrivelse

Forfatter: Alexander Von Humboldt

År: 1859

Serie: Kosmos

Forlag: F.H. Eibe

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Udgave: Andet Oplag

Sider: 166

UDK: 50 Gl.

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000166

Tredie bind. Oversat af C. A. Schumacher.

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93 reife. Ogsaa roser Dominicus Cassini sig af, at den fjerde Stierne forst er bleven feet af ham. 1 (S. 227.) William Cranch Bond i Transact, of the American Acad, of Arts and Sciences new Series Vol. III. p. 87-96. 65 (S. 227.) Capreise g 54-68 Pl. VIII; Outl § 837 og 885 Pl. IV. fig. 1. eß (S. 227.) Sir John Herschel i Memoirs of the A str. Soc. Vol. II. 1824 p. 487—495, PL Vil og VIII. Den sidste Afbild- ning giver Nomenclaturen as de enkelte Regioner i den, af saa mange Astronomer gjenncmforskede Orions-Taage. 67 (@. 227.) Delambre, 11 ist. de l’Astr. moderne T. II. p, 700. Cassini regnede Opdagelsen af denne fjerde Stjerne („ag- giunta della quarta Stella alle tre contigue“) til de Forandringer, som Orions-Taagen i sin Tid har lidt. 68 (S. 228.) „It is reinarcable that within the area of the tra- pezium no nebula exists. The brighter portion of the nebula imme- diately adjacent lo the trapezium, forming the square front of the head is shown with the 18—inch reflector broken up into masses, whose mottled and curdling light evidently indicates by a sort of granular texture its consisting of stars; and when examined under the great light of Lord Rosses reflector or the exquisite defining power of the great achromatic at Cambridge, Ü. S., is evidently percehed to consist of clustering stars. There can therefore be little doubt as to the whole consisting of stars, too minute to be discerned individually even with the powerful aids, but which become visible as points of light when closely adjacent in the more crowded parts.“ (Outlines p. 609.) William C. Bond, der anvendte en 23 Fods Refractor, forsynet med et 14 Tommers ObjectiV, siger: „there is a great diminution of light in the interior of the Trapezium , but no suspicion of a star“ (Mem. of the Amer. Acad., new Series Vol. III. p. 93). 69 (S, 228.) Philos. Transact, for the year 1811 Vol. CL p. 324. io (S. 2'28.) „Such is the general blaze from that part of the sky“, siger Capitain Jacob (Bombay Engineers) i Punach, «that a person is immediately made aware of its having risen above the hori- zon, though he should not be at the time looking at the heavens, by the increase of general illumination of the atmosphere, resembling the effect of the young rnoon.ct Transact, of the Royal Soc. of Edin- burgh Vol, XVI. 1849 Part. 4. p. 445. (S. 229.) Kosmos Bd. IH. S. 163—167. 12 (S. 2-29.) Capreise 8 70 —9018. IX. 0 utl. § 887 UI. IV. tig. 12. is (S. 229.) Kosmos Bd. II. S. 105—106.