International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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__________________________ 150 Second Floor. Art Galleries. South Saloon. TECHNICAL EDUCATION. T^8 Exhibit is placed in the South Saloon, on the Second Plnnr nf Art Galleries. The space allotted has been divided into three large bays one of which provides for the Exhibit from the Glasgow and West of S“ 4 Technical College. The second contains the London Exhibit orsraniqM ? Principal C. T. Millis of the Borough Polytechnic Institute ’ K occupied by the Exhibits from the Heriot-Watt College Edinburgh Thlrh^ College of Science, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and othe/lnstitutionf ’theDurham 2-™e. ?.las?uow a,nd West of Scotland Technical College -Exhibit- illustrating the work of the College in the Departments of'NatuÄ Chemistry; Botany; Civil Mechanical,Electrical, Mining and Chominai 1? ing; Naval Architecture; MeMurgy’; ArehitXS SÄfeT Sanitation and Plumbing; Industrial Arts; Sheet Metal Work e£ X’ Medallion of Professor John Anderson, founder of Anderson’s CoIIp^p /i7Qß? which Institution now forms part of the Glasgow nn/1 w V° « a (1796), Technical College. Charts showing the numbers and aces of fecot1 districts from which they are drawl CalenZ^P^sX^es^ 3ShnsSt °f Seotland ^cultural College.-Calendara, Reports, and gow.—Illustrations of the methods^of'teacihing in the De^giiin<r *—«•* - Ä&ÄS iiÄ^^l2±ei0ö^^X_Dl*Wilbg’ “d SpMimCM °1 Wort “ 6* Th® Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh.—Photographs of the Collin intenmlly and externally; Diagrams ot 1&perimOTtS Engine Tests, electrical Appliances, etc. ; Architectural Drawing ; various Electrlcil and Magnetic Instruments ; Laboratory Instruction Forms, etc. h,lecfcrieal 7,~Jrhnh Scottish Industrial Art Association, 18 Morningside Park Edinburgh. Poker and Repoussee Work, Unique Wood Wnrt c • ’ Bookbinding, Artistic example of Marquetry, Lantern SlidesJItc. ’ ° g’ 8“3I)LI?^nhan]iC?rege °J Selenee’ Newcastle-upon-Tyne.—Photoer-wh of the College Buildings. Specimens, Photographs, Reports etc illSZ™ the work ot the Departments of Physics,"chemistry; AgrieX’r B^anv Engineering, and Mining. J notany, No. 9.—Municipal Technical School, Manchester.-Drawin™ and pi™ nf No. No. No. No. No. No. No. ______________________________________________________ HAY’S VICTORIA SPECIALITIES L,’ C? f 11 A <“* T” ~re—i -w—w-w— Victoria Laundry Blue Powder. Powder Inks (Five Colours). SÄÄ Powder J Znd ms. ImS^Ks01 N.B.-We are the Pioneers of Perfectly Soluble Powder Blue f'or Laundrv We beg to call attention particularly to THREE of our SPECIAr tttpc VICTORIA POWDER BLUE. ^CIALITIES, namely VICTORIA POWDER INKS. VICTORIA CONCENTRATED POWDER Drimitc wn7;*Mn't,»,ty;n/owder“nd Li,uid-,n ,a- WILLIAM HAY & CO.. . Manufacturing Chemists and Drysalters ’ 8 BRUNSWICK LANE, GLASGOW. ISet Oppotile Sid» EST2YBLISHED 1854. Health Salts. Drinks. IN Id, _________ packets I Starch Glaze for Linon AMD True T_1_ -uxueu.