International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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In the Grounds. 163
7. One “ Coe’s ” Patent Collotype Machine, to take a sheet 25"x20". This
machine is the first exhibited, and owing to its unique inking arrange-
ments, has a much greater output than any other machine of its kind.
8. “Hepworth” Patent Ruling Machine, complete with square and round tables,
with wavy action, for plain or intricate Ruling, fancy and poster borders
for Litho, or other designs.
9. “ Harris ” Automatic Press, capable of printing Cards and Envelopes, etc., at
15,000 per hour, automatically fed, and ordinary commercial work fed by
hand, at speeds exceeding those obtained on ordinary job presses by 1.000
sheets per hour on any kind of stock.
10. “ Otley ” Self-elamp 42" Guillotine, by David Payne & Co., Ltd., of Otley.
The last four Machines are driven by one Electric Motor, driving
on to a Line Shaft.
11. “Success” Automatic Proof Press, fed by web and self-inked. (See
Advt., pages 303 to 310.)
1039 Bullard Machine Tool Company, Bridgeport, Conn., U.S.A.—Vertical Borin«
and Turning Mills and Vertical lurret Lathe. Machines shown in operati ;n.
Agents. Loewe, Ludw., & Co., Ltd., of London. Offices. Show Rooms and
Stores: 30 and 32 Farringdon Road, London, E.C. (H. F. L. Orcutt, Managing
Director); Agents for Great Britain and the Colonies of Ludw. Loewe & Co
Berlin.—Small Tools and Gauges, Chucks, Parallel Vices, Arbors, Milling
Cutters of all descriptions,Reamers, solid and adjustable, Boring Bars, Gauges’
standard and limit, etc. (See Advt., pages 116, 117, and 290.)
1040 British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Norfolk street
Strand, London, W.C.—One 500 h.p. Steam Engine, with Electric Generator.’
One 125 H.p. Gas Engine, with Electric Generator. Electric Tram Car with
Motors and Equipment as supplied to the Glasgow Corporation. Sundry
Motors, both direct and polyphase typos, and other Electric Appliances.
1041 Selig, Sonnenthal & Co., 85 Queen Victoria Street, and Lambeth Hill, London,
E.C.—Machine Tools and Appliances, specially suitable for Shipbuilding’
Railway, Electrical, Motor Car, and General Engineering Shops, etc (See
Advt. page 101.)
1042 Lever Bros., Ltd., Port Sunlight, Cheshire.—Port Sunlight Cottages, showing
in Upper Rooms a large Model of the Port Sunlight Village and Works
including Buildings, Roads, Railways, etc., etc.
1043 The Ingersoll Sergeant Drill Co., 114a Queen Victoria Street, London
E.C.—Three Rock Drills working on Granite. (See Advt., page 108 )
1044 - Cousland, Alexander, & Son, 3 Mitchell Street, Glasgow.-Ornamental Wir«
Work, Rosary and Arbour. (See Advt, page 347.)
1045 MaeLellan, P. & W.. Ltd., Clutha Works, Glasgow.—Steel Framed Goods
Waggons, Fireproof Flooring, Samples of Couplings, Forgings, Steel Sections
etc. (See Advt, page 227.) ’
1046 Thornycroft, John J., & Co.. London and Hawthorn, R. & W. Leslie &
Co., Newcastle-on Tyne.—Water Tube Boiler, Models of Ships, Electric Light
Engines, Photographs, etc. °
1047 Notkin Syndicate, Ltd., 13 George Street, Edinburgh.—The Notkin System
and Portable Apparatus for Generating Gas from Petroleum in its applications
to street, table, pendant, lighthouse, ship, and other lamps, stoves, and motor
1048 Macdonald, Alex., & Co., Ltd., Aberdeen Granite Works, Aberdeen.—
Specimen of a Doric Column in Granite; Carved Runic Cross; Square
Granite Monument; Two Headstones; Drinking Fountain, and a variety of
Granite Pillars.
1049 Davies & Sneade, Vauxhall, Liverpool. Established 1817.—French and
English Millstone Makers ; Flour and Rice Mill Engineers. Quarries : Derby-
shire, Yorkshire, and France.—French Burr Millstones specially adapted for
Indian Corn Grinding. Stones for Barley and Oat Grinding; also for Pearling
and Decorticating and Shelling Grain; also French Burr Stones for Cement
Coprolite, and Mineral Grinding. vement,