International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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In the Grounds.
1050 International Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd , Palace Chambers, 9 Bridge
Street, Westminster, London, S. W.—“Little Giant” Long stroke Hammers.
Caulking Hammers, and a large Assortment of Reversible and Non-Reversible
“Little Giant” Piston Air Drills shewn in action, pneumatically driven. (See
Advt., page 283.)
1051 Green, E. & Son, Ltd., 2 Exchange Street, Manchester.—Green’s Improved
Patent Fuel Economiser—192 Tubes arranged in three groups with scraper
Mechanism and 5 inch Double-ram Feed Pump coupled to Economiser. (See
Advt., pages 110 and 111.)
1052 Halford, H. S.» 37 Nevern Square, London, S.W.—Working Model of Halford’s
Gradient Railway—a new Method of Propelling Railway Carriages without
Locomotives by Hydraulically Raising Successive Sections, so as to form a
continuous incline.
1053 The Patent Paraffin Gas Lighting Company, Ltd , 40 Houldsworth Street,
Glasgow.—Oil Gas Machinery in operation, to produce rich, pure gas for Light-
ing and Cooking, with practical demonstrations of the Light. (See Advt.,
page 339.)
1054 Finlay, John, & Co., Ltd , 18 Renfield Street, Glasgow.—Apparatus for
making Acetylene Gas shewn at work
1055 Bon-Aeeord Acetylene Gas Company, 283 King street, Aberdeen.—Pavilion
containing the following Bon-Accord Acetylene Gas Plant:—Five House
Generators (80 Lights); Two House Generators (20 Lights); House Generator
(10 Lights); Ship Generator, with Deck Lamps, Search Light,and Masthead
Lamp, etc.; Two Portable Contractors’ Lamps (100 e.p.); Stage Reflector;
Generators for Optical Lanterns; Micro-Photography, etc. Acetylene shewn
in comparison with Electric Light, Coal Gas, Paraffin, etc.
1056 The Manchester Acetylene Gas Company, Ltd., St. Simon Street, Salford,
Manchester. Sole Agents: Moyes & Sons, 277 Maxwell Road, Glasgow,—
Automatic and Portable Generators for Lighting Towns, Villages, Churches,
Railways, Docks, Quarries, Plantations, Shipyards, Brick Works, etc.
1057 The New Taite Howard Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd., 63 Queen
Victoria Street, London, E.C.—Pneumatic Labour Saving Appliances for
use in Engineering Workshops, Shipbuilding, etc.
1058 Darlington Forge Company, Ltd.. Darlington.—Full sized Models of Ships
Stern and Rudder Frames. Propeller Shaft Brackets. Cast Steel Stern
Frame submitted to Special Bending Tests, etc.
1059 Skoda Works, Pilsen, Ltd., Bohemia, Austria, per Alfred Brown, 9 Lawson
Street, Barrow-in-Furness. Sole Agent for Scotland: Fred. G. Willock. 109
Hope Street, Glasgow.—Cast Steel Marine Engine Bedplate and Standard
Propellers, etc. Steel Castings as supplied for Electrical Engineering, etc.
Test pieces and Samples of Steel used in manufacturing Skoda Castings.
Photographs of Steel Castings, as supplied by the Skoda Works.
1061 British Sehuekert Electric Co., Ltd., Clun House, Surrey Street, Strand,
London, W. C. —Sehuekert Pavilion having the following exhibits :—500
H. P. c. C., Motor coupled direct to Ehrhardt & Sehmer’s (Schleifinuehle,
near Saarbrücken) High-speed Pump running at 146-165 revolutions per minute,
with an output of 750 gallons per minute, and a head of 1700 feet, supplying
fountain near Pavilion. One 100 Kw. Motor-Generator, consisting of 500
voltC.C. Motor, coupled to a 500 volts 3-phase Generator, 3-phase Trans-
former, 500/10,000 volts. Schuekert’s Patent High-Tension Switch for 25,000
volts, shown at work at 10,000 volts pressure, and 100 Kw. load. Complete
Electric, Travelling Crane for 20 Tons, mechanical portion of Messrs. Joseph
Adamson & Co., Hyde. Tramway Equipment and Accessories for Overhead
Conduit, and Schuekert’s Patent Surface-Contact System. Electric Mining
Locomotives, with Overhead and Storage Battery Supply. Electric Rock
Drills, Electric Capstans, Hauling Machines of Friedr. Schmiedel, Niederwuer-
schnitz. Portable Radial Drilling and Thread-cutting Machines of Messrs.
Collet & Engelhard, Offenbaeh-on-Maine. Everything shown at work rfnd
controlled from & main switchboard. (See advt., page 298.)