International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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In the Grounds. ' 165
1062 Churchill, Chas., & Co., Ltd., 52 Bothwell Street, Glasgow.—American
Machine Tools for Engineers and Mechanics’ Fine Tools. (See Advt.,
page 289.)
1063 Annan, T. & R., & Sons, 230 Sauehiehall Street, Glasgow—Photographic
Kiosk. (See Advt., page 32.)
1064 Messrs. Steven & Struthers, Eastvale Place, Kelvinhaugh. Glasgow.—A
complete Lighthouse Installation, showing a Revolving Light of the first
order with Lantern, Dioptric Apparatus and Machinery complete, and in full
working order, exactly as it will be fitted up at the Bell Rock Lighthouse
after close of the Exhibition. (See Advt., page 260.)
1065 Van Houten’s Cocoa Kiosk (Alex. Leckie), St. George’s House, Eastcheap,
London, E.C.—Building erected in old English style for the sale of Van
Houten’s Cocoa and Eating Chocolate. Visitors are invited to taste tho
quality of Van Houten’s Cocoa, for which a charge of Id per cup, including
biscuit, is made.
1066 FRENCH PAVILION. (For particulars, see page 195.)
1067 Benson, W. A. S., & Co., 82-83 New Bond Street, London, W.—Decorated
Pavilion constructed on a Newly Patented Principle. Artistic Metal Work
and Electric Fittings exhibited inside. Also Blown Glass for Domestic and
Decorative Use, Leaded Glass for Windows, Glass Tiles for Wall Decoration
(Opus Sectile), from the Glass Works of James Powell & Sons. White Friars,
London, E.C.
1068 The WESTERN AUSTRALIAN EXHIBIT. (For particulars, see page 188.)
1069 Maefarlane, Walter, & Co., Saracen Foundry, Glasgow.—Classic Cast Iron
Spray Fountain, rising to a height of 37 feet from a Concrete Basin of 40
feet in diameter. The Central Pedestal contains Twelve Panels, illustrating,
by Zodiacal signs and appropriate flora, the months of the year. Surrounding
the Pedestal are life sized Allegorical Figures of Art, Science, Literature,
and Commerce, modelled by D. W. Stevenson, Esq., R.S. A.., supporting
the Upper Basin from which eight sea urchins around the rim spout water
from the mouths of fishes. Rising from this level is a Terminal Basin held
aloft by four entwined dolphins. (See Advt., page 265.)
1070 Water Motor and Automatic Liquid Elevator Co., Ltd., James Keith,
A.M.I.C.E. (Managing Director), 27 Farringdon Avenue, London, E.C.—
Keith’s Patent Duplex Automatic Gas Compressors (worked by the City
Water Service), supplying Compressed or High Pressure Gas (12 000 cubic
feet per hour), for lighting the grounds in connection with the Welsbach Gas
Light Co. Special Gas Burners, Large Lantern, 1200 C.P., etc.
The Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd.,
16 Victoria Street, London, S.W.
Contractors to the War Department and Admiralty.
Sole Agents for SCOTLAND and ULSTER—