International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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In the Grounds.
1071 British Schlickert Electric Co., Ltd., Clun House, Surrey Street, Strand,
London, W.C.—20 H.p.D.c. Series Motor with Controller Driving Passenger
Car Winch at Water Chute. (See Advt., page 298).
1072 ROSS, R. G., & Son, Greenhead Engine Works, Glasgow.—Speed Reducing
Gear in connection with Motor at Water Chute. (See Advt., page 230).
1073 Acme Manufacturing Company Ltd., 153 Queen Street, Glasgow.—Acme
Gas Engine at Water Chute.
1074 Ruston, Proctor & Co., Ltd., Engineers, Lincoln.—Photographs shewing
their Patent Steam Navvy at Work in various Railway Cuttings, and illustra-
tive of other Engines and Machines of their manufacture.
Telegraph Address, “Cumberland, Glasgow.” Telephone No. 4729.
Manufacturers of all kinds of Ironwork for Home and Export Sale.
Makers of Bakers’ Oven Mountings,
and Stable Fittings; Lamp Pillars and Brackets; Gates, Rail-
ings and Stairs; Wall Windows and Roof Lights; Prismatic
Pavement Lights; Tanks and Boilers; Rain-Water Goods;
Mall. Iron Doors; Columns and Beams; and all Kinds of
Builders* Castings.