Melding om Flagning og Salut.
Saadanne Meldinger besørges i Reglen mundtligt ved
en Officer.
I am directed by Captain N. N. in command of the
»Fyen« to inform you, Sir, that we are going to dress ship*)
(dress ship with masthead-flags) to-morrow morning at 8
o’clock to celebrate the birth of a Royal Prince. At noon
the »Fycn« will fire a salute of 21 guns.
The Captain of the Danish Cruiser »Ingolf« desires me
to inform you, Sir, that on account of the death of H. R. H.
the Prince X. a funeral salute of 21 guns will be fired from
the Cruiser to-day at noon, the yards being braced apeak
and colours and pennant hoisted half-mast.
Skrivelser in. m.
Paa tjenstlige Skrivelser anføres øverst til højre Skibets
Navn, Sted og Datum, medens Adressatens Stilling og Navn
sættes underst til venstre.
Skrivelsen begyndes med »Your Excellency« eller »Sir«.
Den i de efterfølgende tjenstlige Skrivelser benyttede
Underskrift anvendes saavel fra overordnede til underordnede
som omvendt.
Takskrivelse for Assistance.
H. I). M. S. »Hekla«,
Sir, 31st October 1904.
Please to accept my best thanks for the prompt assist-
ance you were kind enough to give the crew of our
steam-launch caught in the squall this morning.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient servant,
Captain X. N. N.
H. M. S. »Powerful«. Captain.
*) Anm. Forkortet Udtryk for: To dress ship rainbow-fashion.