Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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undertaken and measures were adopted for determination of ash;
a great deal of wood was also put aside for the determination
of the bending strength, made in the Testing Laboratory after a
few years.
To obtain a result in figures for how much the wood placed
vertically putrefies in the ground-line, it is, namely, the purpose
to break it and examine how much it has lost in strength: During
the bending it is not broken by a strain working in the very
middle where it must have suffered most, but at a distance of 1/3
of the free length from one of the supports.
It is chiefly Mr. C. J. H. Madsen, chemist at the Eastern
Gas-Works with whom the considerable work of the com-
mittee has rested in keeping the material in order, directing the
preparing in the many ways etc.
As far as our knowledge goes this series of experiments is the
greatest one of its kind, set on foot. The plan worked out and
the money granted, it became known that several years before ex-
periments had been commenced on a similar line, but less com-
prising, in Finland, and a series of experiments of much the same
kind have been reported by Prof. M. E. Henry at Ecole nationale
des Eaux et Forets at Nancy in the place named below1).
As early as 1895 the Danish Forestry Association has, for the
rest, commenced comparative experiments of the durability of
Danish and Swedish common spruce in building 8 uniform sheds
where the two sorts of wood are employed alternately. It seems
to appear from the inspection made in 1907 that Danish spruce
had a somewhat greater resisting power, but the experiments are
still continued2).
1. Experiments on Impregnation of Wood against Fire.
The Laboratory has in the course of time made some ex-
periments to judge how various coating means protect wood from
fire. They were executed in a small apparatus made for this pur-
pose where the wood in form of a round stick was laid at diffe-
rent altitudes above a row of gas-lights, and then it was observed
how many seconds it was before the first gases, produced by the
dry-destillation, were set on fire, and then, when the wood really
»Le Genie Civil« of the 19th of Sept. 1908.
2) Tidsskrift for Skovvæsen, Bd. XX, 1908.