Kosmos I
Udkast til en physisk Verdensbeskrivelse.
Forfatter: Alexander Von Humboldt
År: 1855
Serie: Kosmos
Forlag: Paa F. H. Eibes Forlag.
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 162
UDK: 50 Gl.
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000107
Første bind. Oversat af C. A. Schumacher.
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Fod fremragende Klippestykke. Abel-R«musat i Lamotheries
Journ. de Phys. 1819, mai, p. 264.
89 (S. 97.) Biot, Traité d’Astronomie physique (3me éd.) 1841.
T. l. p. 149, 177, 238 og 312. Min asdøde Ven Poisson søgte at
lose den Vanskelighed, der er forbundet med at antage Meteorstenenes
Selvantændelighed i en Høide, hvor Atmosphærens Tæthed næsten er Nul,
paa en ejendommelig Maade. „A une distance de la terre oil la den-
sité de l’atmosphere est tout-å-fait insensible, il serait difficile d’at-
tribuer, comme on le fait, l’incandesee des aerolithes å un frottement
eo li tre les molécules de l’air. Ne pourait-on pas supposer que le fluide
électrique å l’état neutre forme une sorte d’atmosphere, qui s’étend beau-
coup au-dela de la masse d’air; qni est soumisse å l’attraction de la
terre, quoique physiquement imponderable; et qui suit en consé-
quence, notre globe dans ses mouvements ? Dans eette hypothése, les
corps dont il s’agit. en entrant dans cette atmosphere impondérablo,
décomposeraient le fluide neutre, par leur action inégale sur les deux
éltictricités, et cerait en s’électrisant qu’ils s’échaufferaient et devien-
draieut incandescents“. (Po i s soN, Rech. sur la Probability des jugements
1837, p. VI.)
90 (S. 98.) Philos. Transact. Vol. XXIX. (For the Years 1714,
1715, 1716.) p. 161—163. Tils. Afhandlingen hedder: .,An Accent of
several extraordinary Meteors or Ligths in the Sky. By Dr. Ed.
niund Halley, Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxon , and Secre-
tary to the Royal-Society»“ Ester at have beskrevet Meteorer, sete i
England, siger han fremdeles': „Like to this, but much more consi-
derable, vas that famous Meteor which was seen to pass over Italy on
the 21. of March 0. 8. Anno 1676. about an Hour and Three Quar-
ters after Sun set, which happen’d to be observed and well consider’d
by the famous Professor of Mathematicks in Bononia G eminian Mon-
tanari, as may be seen in bis Italian Treatise about it. soon after pu-
blished at Bononia He observes that at Bononia, its greatest Alti-
tude in the 8. 8. E. was 38 Degrees, and at Siena 58 to the N. N. W. :
that is Coursy by the Concurrence of all the Observers was from E. N.
E. to W. 8. W. that it came over the Adriatick Sea as from Dal-
matia: that it crost over all Italy, being nearly vertical to Rimini and
Savgniano on the one Side , and to Leghorn on the other: that its
perpendicular altitude was at least 38 Miles: that in all Places near
this Course, it was heard to make a hissing Noise as it passed, Bon-
sare, Far strepito comme un fuoco artiftciale, Fisciare per aria
comme un Baggio di polve-, that having past over Leghorn it vent
off to Sea towards Corsica, and lastly that at Leghorn it was heard to
gi\e a very great Blow, Tuono di maggior rumore di groxsa Can-
nonata; immediately after which another sort of Snund was heard like