Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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94 Molesworth’s pocket-book Thickness of Bkick Walls in Dwelling Hol'ses. Maxi- mum Height of Wall in feet. Maxi- mum Length of Wall in feet. Minimum Th Base- ment. 1st floor. 2nd. 100 u 30 26 26 » 80 26 26 21| 45 21 i »1 90 U 30 26 26 70 26 21| 21.J • • 45 21| I7i 80 IT 26 2U 21i 1« 60 21; 21f 17; ** 45 21; 17; 1U 70 U 26 2U 2U <« 55 2i; 1U .. 40 17| 17; GO (J 21i 1U n; «« 50 17+ 17* 50 30 17+ p"* u 21; 17i Be twee Basement. inent a belov 50 45 171 1 30 13 1 40 U 1 .. 35 13 1 30 u K 1 ,, 35 K I 25 U i: 1 1 » 30 i ickueaa of Wall in inches. 3rd. 4 th. 5th. 6th. Itemain- der. 211 21i 17i 21J m in 17f 17| 21j 17f m 1U nj 1U 11 i i i i i 11 i ] 11 i 131 1 13 I 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 n Baue- nd next w top. Next below top. lop btory. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 »i 13 13 13 84 13 8i 13 8| «i Si 8^ tij 8+ 8J s* Si The letter U means that the length of th© wall is unlimited. The thick* ness of the wall is to be increased to Ajth of the height of the story in case the proportion determined above falls short of this thickness. Footings to be double the thickness of the basement wall, diminishing in regular ofiseta, of which th© btwe = f the height.