Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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95 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Thickness of Brick Walls for Warehouses. L = Maximum length of wall in feet. T = Thickness of wall at base in inches. The letter U means that L is unlimited. Maximum Height of Wall in feet. When L — T = When L = T = 100. I 90. ~u"| U 34 34 70 i 70 30 I 30 80. I u 30 60 26 When L = T = 55 60 i 45 26 ! 26 j 211 70. I 60. 60. U I U ” 26 ; 26 26 45 , 50 i 70 ' 21| 21| 21* 30 35 j 40 ■ Hi, 40. 30. 25. ui 21* 60 30 13 45 13 u 13 Ü 1U In walls not more than 30 feet high, top story may be Bi inches thick. Thickness of higher walls at top and 16 feet below = 13 inches. From 16 feet below top to base the wall not .to be less than the space contained in the two straight lines drawn from each side of the walls at the base to each side of the wall 16 feet below the top. The thickness to be in no case less than j^th of the height of the story. Footings to be double the width of the base, diminishing in regular offsets f the width of their height. Plastering. 1 in. thick, t in. thick, i in. thick. 1 bushel of cement i or 1’28 cubic foot > If s. yd, 1 j s. yd. 2| s. yd. will cover .. J 1 cement and 1 sand 2| ,, 3 ,, 4| ,, 2 cement and 2 sand 3| „ 4j „ 6| „ 3 cube yard of lime, j 4 yards of sand, I 75 yards sup. render and set, and 3 bushels oi j on brick, or 70 yards on lath, hair will cover J