Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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05 OF ENGINEERING F0RMULÆ. Earthwork Tables A and B. The first set of tables (A) is applicable to the English practice, in which the height is given in feet, the length in Gunter’s chain of 66 feet, and the contents in cubic yards. The second set (B) is applicable to any measure when the length, height, and contents are all of the same unit. Quantities of earthwork may be calculated with sufficient accuracy for all practical purposes by these tables, unless the heights at each end of the length differ greatly when a correction fur the slopes is necessary. If II and h be the tabular numbers for the slopes at each end of a length respectively, the cubic contents = x (H + Å). (For values of x, see table.) On sidelong ground where the areas are taken out from cross sections, if A and a be the areas of a slope at each end respectively, the cubic contents of the slope = y (A + a). (For values of y, see table.) Values of x to bb used fob Slopes only. 50 I 2.5 I 40 f-4959 ~i -5 J 30 I -4804 { '4933 | '5 |___ ’ 20 i -44«3 I *4667 I -4872 | -5 | ~ 1Ö I -3973 } -Hl 8 I -4333 I r466f I -5 j å I -3663 I -a742_| -3870 j -4118 | -4667 |' '5 ’ 0~ J 3333 j •33.3.? I •3333 | -.3333 | -3333 | -3333 Feet [ 50 ! 40 j 30 j 20 10 I