Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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66 Molesworth’s pocket-book Earthwork Tables—continued. Values of y fob First Set of Tables A. If A 4-a = y = 0 •8148 •05 •9884 •1 1’049 If A-$-a = •4 1183 •45 1'192 ■5 1-199 •15 1-089 •2 ! "25 I 1-185 1-1411: I -3 I -35 1-158 1-172 •6 V . o a 1 U 1-20» 1-216 V219 1-222 1-222 ■8 Values of y for Second Set of Tables B. If A -J- a - y~ i 0 -05 •! •3333! -4043 ‘4292 •15 •4456 •2 •4576 •25 1-3 •4667i-4738 •35 •4794 If A —a - 3/ = •4 *45 *5 “4839 -48?6 -4905 •6 •4947 •1 •4974 •8 i-9 •4990-4998 1-0 •5 Measurement of Earthwork. (Hurat.) To measure the solidity over large areas of irregular depth. Divide the surface into tri- angles, and multiply the area of each by one- third of the sum of the depths taken at the angles, and the result will equal the solidity. .