Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893
Danmark: A. Michelsen. [Special-udstilling]
År: 1893
Forlag: Nielsen & Lydiche Printers
Sted: Copenhagen - Denmark
Sider: 40
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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turcd, from a design by the late Professor
Heinr. Hansen, a large silver centre piece as
a present to the Royal Couple from the
members of the royal household.
In 1869, at the wedding of H. R. H. the
Crown-prince Frederik and H. R. H. Princess
Louisa of Sweden and Norway, the Establish-
ment supplied various objects of a table ser-
vice, part of a present from the Danish people
to the new-married couple; and, from a de-
sign by Mr. Chr. Hetsch, the silver mounting
of a Bible, a present from Danish women
(see Fig. 4).
In 1878 the youngest daughter of the
King, H. R. H. Princess Thyra, was married to
H. R. H. the Duke of Cumberland; on that
occasion the work of the Establishment con-
sisted of a splendid toilet service in Rococo style
copied from originals in the collections of Rosen-