Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893
Danmark: A. Michelsen. [Special-udstilling]
År: 1893
Forlag: Nielsen & Lydiche Printers
Sted: Copenhagen - Denmark
Sider: 40
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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H. M. the King and to the Royal Chapter. He
has continued and improved what had been
started so well; like his father he has taken
part in a number of expositions, e. g. the Nor-
thern Exposition at Copenhagen 1888. It is
worth pointing out here that nearly all red-let-
ter days of the Royal House may be followed
up in the works issued from Michelsen’s Esta-
blishment ; we shall mention a few of those
works adding the names of the artists who,
on those occasions, have co-operated with the
In 1859 the Establishment copied, for
King Frederik VII, a splendid dagger kept in
the National Museum (see Fig. 1). A knife and
a fork are inserted in the dagger, and on the
hilt of the knife the monogram of King Christian
IV is engraved.
When in i860 the Danish Government