The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material

Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer

År: 1916

Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son

Sted: London

Sider: 752

UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim

Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant

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IMnsk ' rforeirøgf* CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY - CONTINUOUS HANDLING OF MATERIAL CHAPTER II ELEVATORS A.—For Material in Bulk. Introductory—Tightening Gears—To Prevent Choking—Double Chains for Large Elevators—Position and Speed of Running—Speed and Capacity of Mineral Elevators—Devices to Ensure Clean Delivery from Slow-Running Elevators—Con- tinuous Bucket Elevators—Elevators for Coke—Elevators for Grain and other ISight Materials—Cable-Chain Elevators—Gear Drives—Power Required—Archimedean Screw Elevators—Spouts and Shoots—Automatic Feeding Devices - - - . — F°r Large Objects. Rigid Arm Elevators—Swing Tray Elevators and Lowerers—Swing Tray or Finger Tray Elevators and Lowerers with Automatic Loading and Discharging Gear—Hall’s Elevators --------- CHAPTER III CONVEYORS Introductory Remarks - - - . - . . . . CHAPTER IV WORM OR ARCHIMEDEAN SCREW CONVEYORS Earliest Types—Pitch and Capacity—Experiments with “Paddle’’and “Spiral” Worm Con- veyors—Driving Power Required—Troughing and Intermediate Bearings—Drummond End Flights—General Remarks—Tubular Worm Conveyors—Suess Conveyor - - 42 CHAPTER V PUSH-PLATE OR SCRAPER CONVEYORS Details of Construction—Different Types of Conveyors—Ice Conveyors—Capacity and Speed— Driving Power Required—Timber Conveyors—Push-Plate Conveyors with Double Chains —Cable Trough Conveyors—Slaughter-House Conveyors ----- 61 CHAPTER VI PUSH-TROUGH CONVEYORS Construction—Speed and Capacity—Conveyors for Foundry Sand and Salt—Commichau Principle - - - - . . . . . . ~2