The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material

Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer

År: 1916

Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son

Sted: London

Sider: 752

UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim

Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant

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viii CONTENTS CHAPTER VII BAND CONVEYORS PAGE Historical and Introductory-Methods of Tightening-Throw-off Carriages-The Belt-Trough- ing of the Belt — Idlers—Support of Return Strand — Lubrication of Idlers riving Terminals—Position of Drive—Driving Power Required—Speed and Capacity—Inclined Belt Conveyors — Ridgway’s Belt Conveyor — Band Conveyors for Larger Individual Loads—“ Sandvik ” Flexible Steel Belt Conveyor—Advantages and Disadvantages - 75 CHAPTER VIII STEEL PLATE CONVEYORS, SLAT CONVEYORS, PICKING BELTS, AND CONTINUOUS TROUGH CONVEYORS Steel Plate Conveyors—Chain and Wood Slat or Lattice Conveyors—Double Service Chain and Slat Conveyors—Picking Belts or Tables with or without Lowering Ends—Continuous or Endless Trough, Tray, or Pan Conveyors—Babcock & Wilcox Tipping Tray Conveyor The Cornet Conveyor - CHAPTER IX VIBRATING OR RECIPROCATING TROUGH CONVEYORS The Zimmer Conveyor—Weiss Feeding Appliance-Norton Conveyor-Torpedo Conveyor— Marcus Conveyor - CHAPTER X GRAVITY BUCKET CONVEYORS Gravity or Tilting Bucket Conveyors—General Construction—The Hunt Conveyor—Babcock & Wilcox Gravity Bucket Conveyor-The Bradley or Tan and Bucket Conveyor-Link Belt Company’s Conveyor—Bar-Link Conveyor—Swinging Bucket Conveyor—Continuous Bucket Conveyor—Humboldt Conveyor—Schenck Conveyor—Bleicliert Conveyor—Con- tinuous Travelling Trough Conveyor with Partitions—Conveyors for Handling Larger Individual Loads in both Horizontal and Vertical Directions . - - - i CHAPTER XI SUMMARY OF DRIVING POWER, SPEED OF TRAVEL, AND WEAR AND TEAR OF ELEVATING AND CONVEYING MACHINERY Driving Power Required for Conveyors—Rates of Travel of Different Types of Conveyors Wear and Tear, etc. - CHAPTER XII THE HANDLING OF HOT COKE IN GASWORKS Introductory—New Conveyor Co.’s Hot Coke Conveyor-Graham, Morton & Co.’s Hot Coke Conveyor—Marshall’s Hot Coke Conveyor—Brooder’s Hot Coke Conveyor—West s Hot Coke Conveyor—Wilde’s Hot Coke Conveyor—The De Brouwer Hot Coke Conveyor— Merz Hot Coke Conveyor—Dempster’s Hot Coke Conveyor Coke-Breaking and Sorting