The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material

Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer

År: 1916

Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son

Sted: London

Sider: 752

UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim

Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant

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CONTENTS ix CHAPTER XIII COAL FACE CONVEYORS PAGE Appliances in which the Coal is Carried in a Receptacle—Appliances in which the Coal is Carried on an Endless Band—Appliances in which the Coal is dragged along in a Fixed Trough by a Chain or Scrapers—Appliances which Propel the Coal by a Simple Reciprocating Motion—Single-Acting Motors—Double-Acting Motors—Working Expenses - - 159 CHAPTER XIV CASTING MACHINES Introductory-—“Uehling” Casting Machine —l' Heyl and Patterson” Casting Machine — “Ramsay” Casting Machine—“Hawdcn” Slag Casting Machine—“Hawdon” Casting Machine—Casting Machine at the Ironworks of the Aplerbecker Hütte - - - 171 CHAPTER XV MISCELLANEOUS CONVEYORS, MOSTLY FOR SPECIAL PUR- POSES AND NOT CLASSIFIABLE UNDER ANY OF THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS Roller Conveyors, Live Rollers, or Roller Trains—The “Thomas” Roller Conveyor—Bolinder Timber Conveyors—Conveyors for Bottling Stores, etc. - - - - 182 CHAPTER XVI TIGHTENING AND EQUALISING GEARS FOR ELEVATORS AND CONVEYORS Tightening Gears—Speed Equalising Gears for Long-Link Chains Driven from Hexagonal Terminals—The Toogood Gear—The Link-Belt Gear—-The Barling Gear - - 191 CHAPTER XVII CONVEYING BY GRAVITY Inclines of Coal Shoots—Gravity Sack Shoots—Spiral Gravity Shoot—Inclined Roller Runways or Gravity Conveyors—Automatic Lowerers - - . - - 195 CHAPTER XVIII AUTOMATIC FEEDING DEVICES Feeding Devices for Elevators and Conveyors ....... 202 CONTINUOUS HANDLING OF MATERIAL BY PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC MEANS CHAPTER XIX THE HANDLING OF MATERIAL BY PNEUMATIC MEANS Historical and Introductory—The Blast System—The Suction System—Combined Suction and Blast System—Duckham’s System—Haviland and Farmer’s System—Most Recent Addi- tions to the Pneumatic Grain-Handling Plant at the Millwall Docks—Mitchell’s Improved Pneumatic Elevator—Small Pneumatic Grain Elevators—Power Consumed by Plants of the Latest Type - The Pneumatic Removal of Ashes from Boiler-Houses—Pneumatic Coal Conveyors 207