The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material

Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer

År: 1916

Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son

Sted: London

Sider: 752

UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim

Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant

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CONTENTS XI CHAPTER XXVIII HANDLING RAW MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH BLAST-FURNACES General Construction—Furnace Hoists of the Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.—Furnace Hoist of J. Pohlig Furnace Hoist at Palmer’s Shipbuilding Co.—Lürmann Furnace Hoist—The Handling of Ores from Ship or Stock Piles to Furnace Hoists—Hoover & Mason Ore- Handling Plant - CHAPTER XXIX THE MECHANICAL HANDLING OF COKE FROM COKE OVENS Old Method of Dealing with Coke from Coke Ovens—First Attempts at Mechanical Loading- Examples of Coke Loaders for Old-Fashioned Hearths—Quenching Devices—Coke- Handling from Short and Steep Hearths—Coke-Handling Appliances for the Latest Installations in which the Hearth has Practically been Omitted - - . . UNLOADING AND LOADING APPLIANCES CHAPTER XXX DISCHARGING. BY MEANS OF SKIPS AND GRABS Older Forms of Skips and Grabs—Self-Dumping Buckets—Self-Discharging Skip of Taylor & Hubbard—General Description of One and Two Rope Grabs—Salomon’s Experiments with Grabs—Efficiency of the Grab—The Priestman Grab—The Hunt Grab—Mohr & Federhaff Grab—Jaeger Two-Chain Grab—Two-Rope Grab of the Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.— Hone’s Single-Chain Grab—The Bleichert Grab—Pneumatic Grab—Hydraulic Grab— Electrically Driven Grab—Appliances Similar in Principle to Grabs—The Lifting Magnet — The Hulett Unloader --------- CHAPTER XXXI TRANSPORTERS, BRIDGE OR CANTILEVER CRANES Improvements Effected in the Discharge of Ships—Transporters with Movable Winding Gears— Electrically Driven Grab Transporters at the Coal Yard of the British Admiralty at Deyonport—Coal-Handling Plant at Duluth—Electric Travelling Trolley of the Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.—Electric Travelling Trolley of the Temperley Transporter Co._ Transporters with Stationary Winding Gears — Transporter of the Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.—The Temperley Transporter—Sundry Installations of the Temperley Transporter—Temperley Patent Grab Transporter—Temperley Portable Transporter— I ransporters of the M'Myler Co.—Bleichert’s Transporters—Transporters at a Berlin Gasworks ; Coal Store of the Danish Coal Co., Copenhagen ; and the Zürich Gasworks— Transporter of the C. W. Hunt Co. CHAPTER XXXII UNLOADING VESSELS BY MEANS OF BARGE OR SHIP ELEVATORS AND MARINE LEGS Stationary Barge Elevators—Spencer’s Barge Elevators—Barge Elevator for Coal—Barge Elevator for Grain at Dresden-Riesa—Banana Unloader—Banana Carriers for Loading and Unload- ing "Vessels—Portable Barge Elevators—Barge Elevator for Grain—Barge Elevators of Unruh & Liebig—Barge Elevator at a Copenhagen Flour Mill—Travelling Grain Elevator at Avonmouth Docks—Barge Elevator for Handling Sacks—Portable Barge Elevator for Grain—The Mitchell Cantilever Grain-Discharging Elevators at Dunston-on- Tyne Floating Elevators or Marine Legs—Floating Derrick Elevator—The Mitchell Cantilever Grain Elevator