The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material

Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer

År: 1916

Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son

Sted: London

Sider: 752

UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim

Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant

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xii CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXIII FLOATING LOADING DEVICES, INCLUDING SELF-EMPTYING BARGES Paul’s Self-Trimming Barge-Clarke’s Self-Trimming Barge-Self-Trimming Barge in New York Harbour-Seff-Trimming Barge of the Pittsburg Coal Co.-Coaling Barges of Werf Conrad -Coaling Barge at Doxford Wharf-Doxford Self-Trimming Barge-Philip s, Self-Trimmmg Lighter-Floating Loader by Smulders-Typical Floating Elevators, at the Hamburg Dock —Floating Grab Transporter at Table Bay Harbour-Bloating Loader at Rotterdam I idperwood-Miller Marine Transfer for Broadside Coaling in Harbour-Floating Coal- Sg Dev“ " Fitted »itb Temperte, .Transporters-Portable Transports-General Remarks PAGE 476 CHAPTER XXXIV UNLOADING BY MEANS OF SPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED Ui SELF-EMPTYING HOPPER WAGONS The ! - Ton Hopper-Bottomed Self-Discharging Iron-Ore Wagon of the Alquife Mines and Railway T 5r 1 rd —Self-Emptying Wagons of the North-Eastern Railway, Baden State Railway, and’London and North-Western Railway—Ballast Wagons of the Great Western Railway StunloX" Built by WillM,-The Goodwin Cal T.uek-Seir-DW^ Ballast Wno-on of the Leeds Forge Co., Ltd.—Self-Discharging Drop Bottom Wagon of the Xta Carriage, Wagon, and Finance Co., Ltd.-6>To„ Self-Propelled Hopper Wagon—Self-Unloaders of the Pennsylvanian Railway—Bulk Transit of Grain y ean. Tf Mway Trueks-Mgerwood Rapid Unloader-Western Damp Cars of the Western Wheeled Scraper Co.-The “ Hunt” Automatic Railway - 494 CHAPTER XXXV UNLOADING RAILWAY WAGONS BY MEANS OF TIPS OR HOISTS Tins which Unload Below the Level of the Railway Lines-The Old Newcastle and Cardiff Tips -Hydraulic Tip at Dortmund-Tip at Ruhrort Harbour -Tips at Bethune-Noeux Co. Tip-Tip Built by Pohlig—Stevenson Coal Tip-Sunderland Gravity Coal Shipper Tip. which Unload on the Same Level as the Railway Lines, or Slightly Above-Power Tips of the Great Western Colliery Co.—Double Tip at the Cardiff Corporation Electiicity Works—Tip at the Brentwood Gasworks—Coal lip of Pohlig— ips in ae01 y ar s Anmund’s “Curved Tip”—Tips which Unload Above the Level of Railway Lines, generally called Hoists-The Cardiff Tip-Hydraulic Tips at the Barry Docks-1 ips at Newport-Movable Tip at Cardiff-Tips at Penarth Docks-Thomas s Anti-Breakage Box -Tips at Immingham Docks, Goole Docks, and Rotterdam-Electrically Driven lip at Rotterdam-Electric Tips at the Rothesay Dock—M‘Myter Coal Tips Br0"n . Electric Coal Tip-Long’s Coal Tip-Coal Tip by Pohlig-Hydrauhc Crane Tip at Middlesbrough—The Cowans-Sheldon Crane Tip-Lewis and Hunters Coal Tip at Cardiff 515 CHAPTER XXXVI COLLIERY TIPS OR TIPPLERS Rigg’s Colliery Tippler-Fowler’s Patent Gravity Tippler—Sam’s Coal Tippler—Rigg’s Power- Driven Colliery Tippler—Multiple Tips 589