Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer
År: 1916
Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son
Sted: London
Sider: 752
UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim
Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant
required. Several lengths can be joined together, or they can be used in such a way as
to deliver one upon the other.
Soar’s Coal-Lowering Apparatus.—This apparatus is built by the Chain Belt
Figs. 866 and 867. Portable Coke-Handling Plant.
Engineering Co. It is illustrated in Figs. 869 and 870, and works as follows: a a are
hinged plates bolted to Ewart chains b, and work in the direction shown by arrows. The
chains that carry the plates are driven by the Ewart chain c, which, when a picking table
Fig. 868. Device for Loading Salt into Closed Railway Trucks.
is used, is driven from the terminal of the picking table by means of spur wheels. 1 he
driving chain c passes over the driving wheel round the tension pulleys D d over the
top and bottom terminals e and f. As the chain c cannot slip, the relative position of
the plates to the screen or picking band is not affected during the process of lowering or
raising the apparatus.