The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material
Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer
År: 1916
Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son
Sted: London
Sider: 752
UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim
Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant
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Table giving Diameter, Pitch, and Capacity of the Open-Bladed ok
Spiral Conveyor for Heavy as well as for Light Work.
Diameter of Spiral. Pitch of Spiral. Diameter of Solid Shaft. Section of Spiral. Speed for Heavy1 Materials. Revs, per Minute. Capacity for Heavy- Materials in Cubic Feet per Hour. Speed for Light 2 Materials. Revs, per Minute. Capacity for Light Materials in Cubic Feet per Hour.
Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches.
4 4 H to I| li x A 100 40 130 6<>
6 5 U 90 120 120 150
8 6 15 to 2 If xi 80 230 110 300
10 7 2 ,, 2JL 2f x i 70 350 100 500
12 8 2 ,, 2^ 2Jx| 60 550 90 800
14 9 ,, 3 2| xi 60 700 80 1,100
16 10 •2i ,, 3 3 xi 50 950 70 1,400 |
18 11 2i ,, 3 3 j x i 40 1,100 60 1,700
20 12 2| „ 3 35 1,300 50 1,900
22 13 3 ,, 3|x£ 30 1,500 40 2,100
24 14 3 „ 3| 3W 25 1,600 35 2,300
Table giving Diameter, Pitch, and Capacity of Paddle Worms
Diain. of Worm. Pitch of ■ Worm. Outer Diam. of Hollow Spindle. Diam. of Inter- mediate Bear- ings and End Gudgeons. Diam. of Shank of Blade. Speed for Heavy1 Materials. Revs, per Minute. Capacity for Heavy- Materials in Cubic Feet per Hour. Speed for Light 2 Materials. Revs, per Minute. Capacity for Light Materials in Cubic Feet per Minute. 5
Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches.
4 4 If 1 r er 85 26 ]‘2O . 40
5 5 1 -® 11 85 65 120 90
6 6 1H "8 S') 110 110 170
7 7 u 80 175 110 260
8 8 Iri 11 70 220 100 330
•» 9 2 '2' 70 320 100 470
10 10 2 1 60 400 90 600
11 1J 2f 2} 60 500 90 750
12 12 & 60 600 90 900
14 14 2 is. 21 . 55 1,000 80 1,300
1(5 16 U 3 5 50 1,350 70 1.800
18 18 3 * 50 1,800 60 2,200
Experiments with “Paddle” and “Spiral” Worm Conveyors.—In order
to ascertain the respective merits of spiral-worm and paddle-worm conveyors, the author
carried out a series of experiments in March 1889, which point to the fact that when
running at a slow speed the paddle worm is of greater efficiency, while with
a high speed the advantage is on the side of the spiral worm. At a speed—for 4-in.
worms—of 150 revs, per minute the efficiency of both is about equal, while if run
at higher speeds the spiral worm increases and the paddle worm decreases in
The following is a summary of the results of the experiments. The material experi
mented with was sawdus.t.
1 Heavy materials include fine coal, cement, sand, ground minerals, fine gravel, plaster of Paris,
oxide of iron, etc.
2 Light materials include grain, seeds, sugar, flour, meal, bran, ice, sawdust, rice, etc.