The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material
Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer
År: 1916
Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son
Sted: London
Sider: 752
UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim
Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant
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First Experiment.—The worms experimented with consisted of a paddle worm
in. in diameter by 6 in. pitch, with a spindle of an external diameter
of in., and a spiral worm 4 in. in diameter by 3 in. pitch, on a 1-in.
spindle. Paddle worm without intermediate bearing. Spiral worm with one
intermediate bearing. Speed of both, 145 revs, per minute.
Paddle. Spiral.
Actual capacity in bushels per minute - - 2*77 I’ll
Theoretical capacity in bushels per minute - 5'545 2’297
Efficiency, per cent. - 49'95 48’324
Second Experiment.—Both worms as above, but the speed of both 300 revs.
Paddle. Spiral.
Actual capacity in bushels per minute - - 3’55 1'97
Theoretical capacity in bushels per minute - 11’475 4’762
Efficiency, per cent. - 30’9 41’3
Third Experiment.—Both worms reduced to half their length, so that neither had
an intermediate bearing, and both running at 300 revs.
Paddle. Spiral.
Actual capacity in bushels per minute - - 4'44 2-61
Theoretical capacity in bushels per minute - 11'475 4’762
Efficiency, per cent. - 38’69 54’81
Power Required to Drive Worm Conveyors.—The driving power required for
worm conveyors depends chiefly upon the weight of the material to be moved, and the
distance which it has to be conveyed. The type of the worm, its diameter and speed,
enter to a smaller degree into the calculation. It will therefore be sufficient guide to
give two tables, one for light and one for heavy materials, from which the approximate
horse power can be found.
Table giving Approximate Horse Power Required to Drive a Worm
Conveyor for Grain or Other Light Material.
Tons per Hour. Length of Conveyor in Feet.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
5 0-19 0-38 0-57 0-76 0-95 ri4 1-33 1-52 1-71 1-90
10 0-38 0-76 ri4 1-52 1-90 2-28 2-66 3-04 3-42 3-80
15 0-57 1-14 171 2-28 2-85 3-42 3-99 4-56 5-13 5-70
20 0'76 1-52 2-28 3-04 3-80 4’56 5-32 6-08 6-84 7-60
25 0-95 1-90 2-85 3’80 4-75 5'70 6’65 7’60 8-55 9-50
30 1-14 2-28 3-42 4-56 5-70 6’84 7-98 9-12 10-26 11-40
35 1 -33 2-66 3-99 5-32 6-65 7'98 9-31 W64 11-97 13-30
40 1-52 3-04 4-56 6-08 7-60 9-12 10-64 12-16 13-68 15-20
45 1-71 3-42 5-13 6-84 8-55 10'26 11 -97 13-68 15'39 17-10
50 1-90 3-80 5’70 7-60 9-50 11-40 13-30 15-20 17-10 19-00
For the sake of easy comparison with other conveyors, the following estimate is based
on a load of 50 tons of grain per hour to be conveyed a distance of 100 ft.