The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material
Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer
År: 1916
Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son
Sted: London
Sider: 752
UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim
Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant
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______________________________________________________ ______
MAGNETS. See Lifting Magnets
M‘Connochie, John, 517
M‘Myler Co.’s tip or car dumper, 582, 606
----transporters, 442
Malton Colliery, ropeway at, 299
Manchester Brewery Co., Ltd., double service con-
veyor at, 188
— Docks, first granary at, 692
— Gasworks, push-plate conveyor at, 63
— - Ship Canal, grain elevator at, 15
Mannheim, granary at, 685
Marcus reciprocating conveyor, 121
Marine legs. See Floating Elevators
Marine transfer (Lidgerwood-Miller) for broadside
coaling in harbour, 487
Marshall, F. D., 147, 154
Marshall’s hot coke conveyor, 147
Marshall-De Brouwer hot coke conveyor, 154
Massachusetts Cotton Mills, coal and ashes handling
plant at, 641
— Mauretania,” ash expellers on the, 241
Mazapil Copper Co., angle station on the ropeway of
the, 281
Meat conveyor, 70, 71
Mechanical disposal of ashes from steamers, 229
— feeding devices, 27, 28, 202
Mechanically equipped ore pile of the Cape Copper
J Co., 659
____________of the Wheeling and Lake Erie Rail-
road, 664
----salt store, 661
Méguin coal loaders, 375. 378, 384, 389
Merrick weightometer, 607, 720
Merrill (of Brooklyn), 207
Mersey Dock and Harbour Board, 75, 79
Merz hot coke conveyor, 154
Methods employed for producing closed spiral of
worm conveyor, 44 . .
Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon, and Finance Co.,
Ltd., self-discharging wagons of the, 503, 507
Mickley coal face conveyor, 160, 161
Middlesbrough, coal shipper at, 604
— hydraulic crane tip at, 586
Miike (Tapan), coal loaders at, 595
Miller, Spencer, 313, 323, 329, 332, 334
Miller, The, 195
Milling, 462, 506 „
Millom and Askam Hematite Iron Co., “ Uehling
casting machine at, 171
Millwall Docks, Bolinder timber conveyor at, 183
— — self-dumping bucket at, 393
— — suction elevator at, ‘211 . _
Minerals, automatic weighing machine for, 715
— elevators for, 16, 26
Mines and Minerals, 162
Mines de Béthune, cokery of the, 384
Miscellaneous conveyors, mostly for special purposes,
— loading and unloading devices, 611
Mitchell, A. H., 216, 220, 466, 469
Mitchell’s cantilever grain elevator (floating), 471
____________(portable) at Dunston-on-Tyne, 466
-----unloader (banana), 455
— improved pneumatic elevator, 220
Mitsui Mining Co., coal unloaders of the, 595
Mixing of materials, worm conveyors for the, 49
Modern granary, typical, 696
Mohr and Frederhaff grab, 400
-----portable barge elevator for grain, 465
Monobar conveyor, 64
_______________ _________________________________________________
Mono-rails, 243, 291, 337, 63'2, 650, 661
Moore’s coke loader, 381
Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Co., ropeway of
the, 297
Movable tip at Cardiff, 554
Mowat, Magnus, 217, 219, 447
Muiravonside Colliery, coal face conveyor at, 160,
Muller’s hot coke conveyor, 365
Multiple tipplers, 594
Munich Central Railway, coaling station of the, 621
N’ AGASAKI, coaling a battleship at, 3
Nagel & Kaemp, tip built by, 566
Nagykanizsa, coaling railway engines at, 29
Naval Architects, Proceedings of, 211
Nebish and Livingstone Channels, cableway employed
on the, 314
Negotiating curves with gravity bucket conveyors,
124, 128
New Brancepeth Colliery, coke loader at, 376
New Conveyor Co.’s granary equipment at Avon-
mouth, 699
— — hot coke conveyor, 146
New Orleans, use of wheelbarrows for coaling ships
at, 4
Newport, coal tips at, 552
New South Wales Government Tramways, ashes*
handling plant (Darley system) of the, 641
Niblack, Lieut. A. P., plan for coaling at sea, 326
Noeux Co.’s tip, 525
Nölke, H., 595
“Nomis” automatic beam scale, 70S
Norfolk Navy Yard (U.S.A.), suspended coal bunkers
at the, 630
— — — pneumatic ash-handling plant at, 225
North British Railway Co., tip at Burntisland Dock,
North-Eastern Railway Co., self-emptying wagons of
the 497
North German Lloyd Co., tip at Bremen Harbour,
North Mount Lyell Copper Co., ropeway of the, 299
North of England Institute, 160
Norton, Francis, Junior, & Co., spiral gravity shoot
of, 196 .
Norton coal loading and lowering device, 118
— conveyor, 118
Nuremberg Gasworks, coal-handling plant at, 648
— coupling for ropeways, 270
Oil fuel bunkering at sea, 336
Old Cardiff tip, 515
— Newcastle tip, 515
Onomea Sugar Co. (Sandwich Islands), cableway of
the, 315
“Orange-peel” grabs, 395, 407
Ore-handling plant of Hoover & Mason, 3-53
_____of the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Co..
1 — pile, mechanically equipped, 664
2 Oscillating feed shoot, 12
3 — feeding device, 28
_________ _______