The Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material
Forfatter: A.-M.Inst.C E., George Frederick Zimmer
År: 1916
Forlag: Crosby Lockwood and Son
Sted: London
Sider: 752
UDK: 621.87 Zim, 621.86 Zim
Being a Treatise on the Handling and Storing of Material such as Grain, Coal, Ore, Timber, Etc., by Automatic or Semi-Automatic Machinery, together with the Various Accessories used in the Manipulation of such Plant
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Ottawa Gold Mining Co., cableway of the, 315
Otto, Theodor, 272
— coupling for ropeways, 272, 273
P. & O. Co., ash expellers used by the, 237
Packing cases, elevators for, 29
Paddle worm or broken-bladed conveyor, 43
Page’s Magazine, 289
Palmer’s Shipbuilding and Iron Co., casting machines
at, 171, 173
— t— furnace hoist at, 349
Panama Canal, Lidgerwood unloader used on the,
western dump cars used on the, 510
Patchell, William H., 577
Paul’s self-trimming barge, 476
Pearson & Co., Ltd., cableways used by, 321
Peck, Staunton B., 88
Peel’s anti-breaker for coke, 371
Pennsylvania Railroad Co., coaling railway engines
on, 620
Hulett unloader used by, 416
-----self-unloaders of the, 505
Pequonnock Dock (Bridgeport, U.S.A.), chain
haulage for hand carts at, 245
Philip’s self-trimming lighter, 482, 696
Phosphate drying and storage plant, 659
Picking belts or tables with or without lowering ends,
— table, the Zimmer conveyor as a, 116
— ■ tables, 100
-----with jib extension, 103, 104
Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co., coal and ashes handling
plant at the, 641
Pietrkowski, A., 269
Pitch of idlers for band conveyors, 86
— of worm conveyors, 45, 46
Pittsburg Coal Dock Co. (Duluth), coal-handling
installation of the, 423
Pittsburg Coal Co., self-trimming barge of the, 478
Pittsburg and Conneaut Dock Co., Hulett unloaders
of the, 416, 420
Plate-belt conveyor, wear and tear of, 143
Plunger feeder, 204
Pneumatic coal conveyors, 226
Pneumatic elevators, advantages of, 207, 215
-----air traps for, 212, 214, ‘215, 216, 218, 221, 222,
-----at Miliwall Docks, 217
------at Sulina, 216
— — blast system, 208
-----capacity of, 208, 213, 216, 220, 222, 223, 225
-----combined suction and blast system, 210
— — delivery nozzle of, 213
— — disadvantages of, 207
— — Duckham’s system, 211
-----dust collector for, 214, 215, 219
Haviland & Farmer’s system, 21.3
-----Mitchell’s improved, 220
— — power consumed by, 207, 213, 216, 217, 219,
220 221 223
-----speed of travel in, 213, 219, 220
— — suction nozzle for, 208, 209, 212, 219, 227
-----suction pipes for, 208, 216, 218, 220, 223, 224,
-----suction system, 209
-----vacuum for, 213, 217
Pneumatic grab, 409
Pneumatic grain elevators, small, 222
— handling, cost of, 220
— handling of material, 207
— - removal of ashes from boiler-houses, 223
— underline ash ejector, Stone’s, 234
Pohlig, J., 295, 349, 526, 535, 536, 584, 621
—■ furnace hoist, 349
— railway coaling station erected by, 621
I —■ ropeways erected by, 295
— tips, 526, 535, 584
Portable band conveyor, 613, 614
— barge elevators, 457
— coke-handling plant, 615
— loading device for salt, 611
— loading elevator, 613
— loader for acetylene slurry, 613
— loader for dusty material, 612
—■ transporters, 491
Port Clarence Ironworks, Middlesbrough, 362
— of London Authority, 483, 690, 694
— - Talbot, coal loading plants at, 601
Position of elevators, 13
Powell Duftryn Steam Coal Co., coal and ash-
handling plant of, 640
---------ropeway of, 293
Power required for ash ejectors, 241
------band conveyors, 88, 142
— — Bolinder timber conveyor, 184, 186
— — cable trough conveyor, 70
— —■ casting machines, 173, 174
------different types of conveyors, 142
— — elevators, 26
------endless rope haulage, 260, 262
— — gravity bucket conveyors, 123, 137, 141
------hot coke conveyors, 155
------pneumatic elevators, 207. 213, 216, 217, 219,
220, 221, 223
------push-plate conveyor, 67, 142
— — ropeways, 265, 281, 297
— — Sandvik conveyor, 97
— — slat conveyors, 101
swing tray elevators, 33
— — worm conveyors, 48, 49, 142
------Zimmer conveyor, 115, 142
Pressed Steel Car Co., self-discharging railway trucks
built by, 495
Priestman grab, 398
Primitive Chinese ropeway, 243
Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, 82, 88
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 15,
211, 217, 617, 623, 667, 668
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
75, 517, 575, 583, 587, 595, 609, 610, 670, 677
Push-plate or scraper conveyors, 61
— — — capacity of, 66, 67
------— Commichau principle, 74
------— power required, 67, 142
------------ speed of, 61, 62, 66, 67
— ■ — — wear and tear of, 143
— with double chains, 67
Push-trough conveyors, 72
RAILWAY engines, coaling of, 617
-----removal of ashes from, 628
— trucks, self-emptying, 494
Ramsay’s casting machine, 172, 174, 180