Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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99 Class IX. Electric Motor Power and Transmission of Energy. 423 .—L. Amette, 145, Boulevard Voltaire, Paris. Electro- motor applied to a wood-cutting machine. West Corridor. 424 .—A. Cance, 11_, Rue St. Florentin, Paris. Electric Motors on the Canoe system. West Corridor. 4<2 5.—M. Daudigny, 16, Place de la Chapelle, Paris. Circular Selenoid Motor; Dandigny’s Railway Wheel, worked by electricity; Carriages constructed on this mode of working. West Corridor. 426 .—Deseuelles et Serre, 8 bis, Avenue Perrier, Paris. Small Electric Motors. Western Gallery. 427 .—Prof. T. A. Edison, care of E. H. Johnson, Esq., 5*7, Holborn Viaduct. Electric Pen and Press for copying; Motograph. Bells; Magnetic Motograph. Entertainment Court. 427a.—The Electro-Dynamic Company of Philadelphia. Double Induction Motors for sewing machines, lathes, fans, saws, &c. Offices : 8a, Bush. Lane, Cannon Street, E.C. Eastern Gallery. 428 .—Chermont Rodriguez, Belgium. Electric Machine, working directly with the battery and giving motion to a Sewing Machine. Gallery. 429 .—Messes. Gravier, Kuksz, Luedtke, et G-bether, 26, Rue Leszno, Varsovie, Russie. A variety of Electro Motors for use in the distribution of electricity. West Corridor. Class X.—Electro-Medical Apparatus. 430 .—Dr. B. Baeda, 49, Rue Blanche> Paris. Electrical Bath Apparatus. By means of this apparatus a constant current, or an induction current, is applied to or focussed upon any part of the body, through the water in the bath, with, such force as may be required, whilst avoiding the usual shocks and unpleasant sensation.. From numerous experiments made by the faculty, eleoti’ic baths are chiefly effectual in cases of rheumatism, gout, paralysis, and neuralgia. Western Gallery. 431 .—Gregory Skrivanoff, 32, Rue Vignon, Paris. Medical Case, 4| inches X 3 inches X f inches, enclosing’ an induction, bobbin, battery, and accessories. South Nave. Class XI.—Electro-Chemistry. 432 .—Edmé Blouzon, 30, Rue Notre Dame de Nazareth, Paris. Natural and Prepared Graphite. Eastern Gallery. 433 .—S. Cohen, 14, Rue Cloche Perce, Paris. Electro-plating for optical instruments. Eastern Gallery. 434 .—Prof. T. A. Edison, care o£ E. H. Johnson, Esq., 57, HolbornViaduct. Meters; Weber Meter; Specimen of Bamboo and other carbonised materials; Mirror Regulator. Entertainment Court. 435 .—Grenet FrÉres, 114, Rue du Temple, Paris. Plating machine working by electricity. Nickel Baths, &c. West Corridor. 436 .—Neujean & Delaite, 62, Rue Hors Chateau, Liege. Apparatus and Chemical products for galvanoplasty, gilding, &c. Gallery at bach of Concert Room.