Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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REFERENCES TO PLAN OF STANDS IN GALLERY. 1 Martin. 2 Scrivener, Gill, & Co. 3 Lathond Belantan. 4 Bapty. 5 J. F. Pratt. 6 J. L. Pulvermacher. 7 Witty & Wyatt. 8 Copson Garratt. 9 1 f George Hawkes & Co. 11 Dr. Barda. is H. C. Whiting. 13 Ashworth Bros. ** J- Darlow & Co. 16 Swiss Telephone Co. 17 Country Mansions Portable and Economical Electric Lig-ht Co. 18 Desruelles & Serre. 19 Dolbear & Buck. zo Harrison, Cox, Walker, & Co. zx The Gutta-percha Co. 2z W. T. Glover & Co. 23 Z4 ) „ . 1 Gent & Co. a 6 Orme & Co. 27 J. Collis. 28 Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co. 29 Arnold & Sons. 30 Coxeter & Sons. 31 Poyet. 32 Anglo-AmericanTelegraph Co. 36 Vian. 37 Davis & Co. 38 Blakey & Emmott. 39 V. Bartelous. 40 Dent & Co. 41 Baker & Co. 45 E. B. Bernard, 46 Consolidated Telephone Co. 47 Hutchinson & Co. 48 Roth, Schlaefli, & Co. 49 G. G. Blackwell. 50 F. J. Smith. 51 Racagni & Guglieltnini. 52 Jennings. 53 Jonas & Colver. Si Crampton & Co. 54 Phillips Bros. 55 E. Paterson. 56 Johnson &. Phillips. 57 Brown Wolsey Webb. 58 L. Rageot. 59 E. E. Fahng. 60 S. Garau. 61 Davis & Timmins. 62 Soinz e. 61 J. R. Breckon. 62 Tasker, Sons, & Co. 63 G. C. Lewis & Son. 64 F. M. Rogers. 65 Direct United States Cable Co. 66 L. Locht Labye. 67 J. Sax. 68 Woodhouse & Rawson.. 69 E, Thomas. 70 Phosphor Bronze Co. 71 Willcox & Gibbs. 72 Cohn. 74 75 Exchange Telegraph Co. 76 Waterlow 8l Sons. 77 Ne wall & Co. 78 Broughton Copper Co. 79 Le Grand & Sutcliff. 79 a McWhirter, Roberts,& Co. 79 b Barraclough. 79 c Naudin & Schneider. 83 E. Blouzon. 84 Doulton & Co. 85 F. Smith & Co. 86 D. Nicoll. 87 Exton, Berridge, Partners ; 88 Probert & Steljes. W. i Rogers. Poultier. Bull. Rodriguez. 89 Sauvajon. 90 Gray & Son. 91 Chapuis. 92 J. H. Pring-. 93 Eastern Telegraph Co. 94 E. Webster. 95 T. R. Brailsford. 96 H. J. Dale & Co. 97 The Rustless and General Iron Co. 94 a Electric Railway Signal Co. ' 95 E. Perrody. j 96 A. B. Harding-, i 97 Jos. Davis & Ca. 98 A. Levy. 99 Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. xoo Mourlon & Co. 101 Plumbago Crucible Ce. 102 Moser & Sons. 103 C. R. Goodwin. I 104. Garnham & Co, X05 J. Willing & Co. 106 Wiggin & Co, xoy 108 Britannia Rubber Co. 109 J. Stiff & Sons. ixo D, Walters 81 Sons. 110 Signal Engineering Co. iiz T. T. Powell. 111 W. Beanham. 114 Compagnie Generate d’Electricité. 115 Hart, Sou, Peard. & Co. 116 London Electric Light Co. 117 Netijean & Delaite. 118 S. Vyle. 119 P. De Villiers. xao Van Stan izi Scientific Toy Co. 122 H< R. Meyer. 123 W. Willson Cobbett. 124 Alex. Bardillon. 134 a T. Coad. lag M. Volk. 126 J. Gras. 127 E. A. Sullivan. 128 J. Slater-Lewis. 129 J. Storer. 130 L. H Borrell. I 131 W. Reddall. 133 J. Bourne & Son. 134 W. F. Stanley. 135 R. Webster. 136 DowsoiiEconoinic Gas Co. 137 F. Nell. 138 Harrison, Cox Walker & Co. 139 G. L. Andris. *39 F- W. Pope Cox. 140 F. T. Reid. 141 G. W. Wigner. 143 United Telephone Co. 144 Harding- & Son. 145 Buss, Sombart, & Co. 146 J- Darlington. 147 R. C. Cutting- & Co. 347 Sanderson. 148 Faulkner. 149 Fearns & Co. 149 a Muller. 151 C. Dion, igx United Zisbestos Co. 15a * 53 T. C. Tisley. x 54 J- G. Lorrain. r S5 J- Slater-Lewis. x 6o Laws and Chatterton. 161 J. G. Lorrain. 162 A. Shippey. 163 Fuller. 164 Ramsden, Camm, & Co. 165 Fynn & Carle. 166 Swiss Telephone Co. x66 a Max Sabel. 168 W. B. Woodbury. 169 Becker & Co. 170 W. M. Foxcroft. 171 J. Mackie & Co. 172 De Hennaults Fils. 173 John Davis & Son. 174 Johnson & Nephew, X74 A, Tribe. 175 F. Hawkins. 176 177