Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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40 71 .—J. W. Gray & Son, 58, Fenchurch. Street, E. Lightning Conductors. Model of Ship, showing inboard and outboard systems of Gray's patent lightning conductors, as fitted in Her Majesty’s Navy. Model of Church, showing Gray's patent system of lightning conductors as applied to buildings. Drawing of private residence, showing Gray's patent system of lightning conductors as fitted thereto. Samples of Copper Terminal Points as fitted to Government buildings. Copper Band Conductors in long lengths, and all fastenings connected therewith, both for ships and buildings. Copper Tube Conductors as fitted to buildings and ships. Patent Slide for allowing for expansion and con- traction on high shafts and buildings. Eastern Gallery. 72 .—The Gutta-percha Company, 18, Wharf Road, City- Road. Copper Conductors (strand and solid) covered with gutta percha, as used for submarine telegraph, cables, underground lines, "both telegraphic and telephonic, electric lights leads, battery, bell, and house connecting wires, &c. &c.; Sheet Gutta Percha for making joints, and other Materials used in the manufacture and working of insulated wires; Willoughby Smith's patent Joints for subterranean and telegraph wires ; Specimens of Cores and Cables recovered during impairs after long submersion. Western Gallery. 73 .—Harrison, Cox, Walker, & Co., Darlington. Vyle’s Patent easily-tested Lightning Conductor. Eastern Gallery. 74 .—Hart, Son, Peakd, & Co., 53—58, Wych. Street, Strand (Contractors to Her Majesty's War Department). Lightning Conductors, Points, and Attachments of Solid Copper Band, as devised by the late Sir W. Snow-Harris ; also of Copper Wire Rope and Woven Copper Wire Band. Price lists on application. Gallery at Back of Concert-Room. 75 .—W. T. Henley (W. T. Henley’s Telegraph. Works Com- pany), 8, Draper’s Gardens, Thogmorton Street. Submarine and Torpedo Cables; W. T. Henley's Patent Core and Cables; Tele- phone Wires ; Underground Wires ; &c. &c. North Nave. 76 .—Richard Johnson & Nephew, Bradford Ironworks, Manchester. Telegraph, Submarine Cable Armour Wire, No. 00, B.W.G-. Submarine Cable Armour Wire, galvanised; No. 8, B.W.G-. Galvanised Telegraph Wire of low electrical resistance, to meet the requirements of the British Post Office specification; No. 16 X 3 ply Galvanised Telegraph