Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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133.—J. Faulkner, 13, Great Ducie Street, Strangeways, Manchester. Altandæ Electro-Magnetic Semaphor, Stop or Brake Actuators and Indicators. Altandæ Electric Telegraph, sounder and key on one board. Altandæ Electric Telegraph, sounder and key separate. Altandæ Electric Cricket Sounder. Altandæ Electric Sphinx Sounder. Altandæ Electric Telegraph Sounder, with, movable regulating cover. Altandæ Electric Telegraph. Monkey Sounder, with movable regulating cover. Altandæ Electric Pony Sounder, with movable regulating cover. In these instruments tlie iron covors ar© movcibl©, and mads to partially or totally slide on the coil and core within, the instrument being set so as to give the maximum results with a minimum battery- power, and, in case of failure of power, can be made to give increased effects by simply putting on more iron cover. . Altandæ Electric Telegraph Sounder, with movable regulating core. Altandæ Electric Telegraph Sounder, with movable regulating coil. Altandæ Electric Telegraph Sounder, with inner movable regulating cover, within a fixed, cover, for expanding 01 con- tracting the field of magnetism. Altandæ Electric Bells, for domestic use. Altandæ Electric Bells, for railway-trains and WOTkg. Eastern Gallery, 133a—T. Fuller, 23, Grand Parade, Eastbourne, Sussex. Fire Alarm. Electric Call for Firemen residing at a distance from a fire station, and at different parts of a town, to summon them by electric bell from a common bell-pull, as usual at a fire station; as also by telephone if desired. Also Call for Turn- cock ; from the one pull, any number can be called by this system. Simple and sure in action. Concert-Room Gallery, 134—G-arnham & Co., Sash Court, Wilson Street, Finsbury. Stroudley;s Patent Train Communicators, as in use on the London, Brighton, & South Coast Railway. Harper’s Patent Inter- locking Instruments for the signalling of trains, as in use on the following railways: London, Brighton, & South Coast, London & Northwestern, Lancashire & Yorkshire, Midland, Great Western, and Dublin, Wicklow, & Wexford, Ireland. Harper’s Patent Clockwork Apparatus for recording the signals given or received in signalling on railways; also an instrument to record the signals, as from six different stations. Eastern Gallery. 135 —J. W. Gray & Son, 58, Fenchurch. Street. Electric Bells (various) in work, with, different kinds of indicators and samples of pushes in wood, metal, porcelain, ivory, onyx, and marble. Eastern Gallery. 136 —Harrison, Cox, Walker, & Co., Darlington.. Mining and. ordinary Electric Bells with, single coils; Indicatoi for showing rise and fall of water; Semaphore Arms, &c. Eastern Gallery and Western Gallery,