Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82
År: 1882
Sider: 102
UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189
Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.
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142.—J. Hay Athole Macdonald, la, Abercromby Place,
Edinburgh. Automatic Fire Alarm. A strip of thin gutta-
percha sheet is fastened as a bi'idge between two uprights; a
metal bar rests on the gutta-percha. When the temperature
rises the gutta-percha gives way under the weight of the bar,
which falls between two metal springs and completes an electric
dpcmt .Nave.
143.—McWhirter, Roberts, & Co., 249 to 251, East India Road,
London. Makers of Telegraph Fittings, Signalling Lamps and
Apparatus, Cutters, Lapping-wire, Fitters’ and Jointers' Tools,
&Ct Eastern Gallery.
144—Donald Nicoll, 19, Devereux Court, Temple. Secret Com-
munication Effectuator. A new system of secret coirespondence by
electric telegraph (Post Office or Postal Cards) intended to super-
sede ordinary cipher or code systems. Changes in the new system
may be made daily by arrangement with correspondents, curiosity
or treachery at the same time being defeated. Special education is
not required as in the case of ancient cipher or code systems.
European languages are alone used; the bewilderment of tele-
graph. employés is avoided, and the meaning of the messages
cannot be made out without the possession of duplicate instru-
ments, registered 6 & 7 Vic. cap. 65, under the title of “ Secret
Communication Effectuator/’ by the inventor, holder , oi “ une
mention honorable pour telegrapbie electrique, Exposition Uni-
verselle, Paris, 1867." The new system is brought within. I’eacli
of the million, the price being Is. for each set of 6 plates : such,
may be ordered of every stationer in the kingdom or colonies, or
will be forwarded by post, plus only cost of stamps, 19, Devereux
Court, Strand, London. Eastern Gallery.
145 .—J. Orme & Co., 65, Barbican, E.C. Electric Bells, Button
Pushes, &c. &c. {See Advt.; p. 119.) Western Gallery.
146 .'—James M. Ormes, Hobace H. Eldred, Gr. L. Andris, 31,
Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Hanning's Transmitter; Auto-
matic Sub-Offices. Eastern Gallery.
147 .—E. Paterson, 76, Little Britain. Electric Signals for
hotels, houses, mines, yachts, &c., with all accessories. {See
Advt., p. 119.) South Nave and Southern Gallery.
148 .—T. Teale Powell, James Street, Harrogate, Yorkshire.
Powell’s Electric Signalling on Railways, securing direct and
interchangeable communication between passengers, guards,