Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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68 (black and coppered); Patent System (underground) of Pipes for electric light circuits. (See Advt., p. 127.) South Nave and Southern Gallery. 216 .—Gerard & Co., 9, Victoria Chambers, Westminster, S.W. Grérard;s Patent Electric Lamps for factories and ware- houses ; Gerard’s Patent Electric Lamps for streets, docks, harbours, &c.; Gerard's Patent Electric Lamps for theatres, halls, and public buildings; Gérard’s Patent “ Veilleur” or Auto- matic Cut-off for using where a large number of lamps are placed on one circuit, so that, should an accident occur to any one lamp,, the others will not be affected. (See Ndvt., p. 128.) South Nave and Western Gallery, also lighting the China Court. 217 .—J. Hay Athole Macdonald, 15, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh. Model of a Holophote Course Indicator, for pre- venting collisions at sea—an electric light with a movable reflector. While the vessel's helm is amidships, the reflector is held fast projecting the light straight ahead. On the helm being* put to port, the reflector is set free to sweep from straight ahead to starboard. When the light has been moved round to star- board, it is automatically shut out from view, until it is brought back to straight ahead. The sweep from ahead to starboard can then be repeated, and this can be done again and again, as long as the helm is ported. The converse action, sweeping from ahead to port, is obtained when the helm is pat to starboard. South Nave. 218 .—E. Muller, 94, Kennington Road. Glasses for Incan- descent Lamps; Air Pumps for Lamps. Eastern Gallery. 219 .—The National Electric Light Company, Glasgow. Patent Incandescent Lamps. North Nave. 220 .—Rowatt & Fyfe, 52, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 6 Pilsen Lamps, 10 Joel Lamps. Handel Orchestra, and Pompeian House. 221 .—Scientific Toy Company, Sun Works, Kirkwood Road, Peckham,. The One Shilling Electric Lamp burns two hours without attention, consumes Reniei’ carbons, automatic action, brass works, &c. With each lamp a book of instructions is sup- plied, enabling any person to construct powerful batteries for working same at trifling cost. (See Advt., p. 139.) Gallery at bach of Concert Room. 222 .—School of Submarine Telegraphy, Telephony, and Electric Light, 12, Princes Street, Hanover Square W. (removed from 4, George Street, Hanover Square). A new Incandescent Lamp. (See Advt., p. 3 of Wrapper.) North Nave.