Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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76 solution of copper sulphate undergoing electrolysis, and indicate the influence of varying conditions on the distribution of electricity; analogies between static and dynamic electricity; relation between lines of force and boundary configurations; dissymmetry in non-uniform fields; relation between electric incidence and refraction. Concert-Room Gallery. 261 .—H. Wiggin & Co., George Street Parade, Birmingham. Pure Nickel in grains, cubes, and shotted; Cast Ingots of Pure Nickel and Nickel Alloys; Malleable Nickel and Cobalt Anodes for Electro-depositing (Patent); Cast Nickel and Cobalt Anodes for Electro-depositing; Single and Double Salts of Nickel and Cobalt for Electro-plating; Sheets of Malleable Nickel and Cobalt (Patent); Pure Nickel Wires (Patent) and German Silver Wires for Electrical purposes; Nickel and Cobalt Oxides; Sulphate of Copper; Sulphate of Iron. Eastern Gallery. Class XII.— Magnets, Compasses, Horology, Instru- ments of Precision, &c. 262 .—Her Majesty's Government (Postal Telegraph Depart- ment). (See p. 11 et seq.) North Nave. 262a.—Her Majesty’s Government (War Office). (See p. 26 G seq.} __ North Nave. 262 b.—Her Majesty’s Government (Lords of the Admiralty). (see p. oO.) North Nave. 263 .—Sie John Bennett, 65, Cheapside. An Electric Regulator from which falls a time-ball by current from the Royal Obser- vatory, Greenwich, every hour; the ball being raised three minutes before the hour by horological machinery. North Nave. 263a.—Sir John Bennett, 65, Clieapside. Large Electric Time- Ball, 9 feet in circumfei^ence, raised by automatic machinery and dropped by current from the Royal Observatory every hour in the day. G entre Transept. 264 .—Louis H. Borrell, 9, Amwell Street, Clerkenwell. Electric Remontoire, centre seconds; Timepiece, kept wound "by a current from Leclanclié’s Battery every 3-J seconds. Eastern Gallery. 265 .—Feed. C. Bull, 61, Great Dover Street, S.E. Well- finislied and going Electric Timepiece. Wants no winding up, worked with one cell, which, only requires replenishing once in about nine months, and also good made and finished Prismatic Compass. Eastern Gallery. 266 .—L. Clark, Muirhead, & Co., 23, Regency Street, West- minster. Sir William Thomson’s Astatic Reflecting Galvanometer, with Ebonite Coil Cheeks to prevent cross-leakage between the wires ; Sir William Thomson’s Astatic Reflecting’ Galvanometer on tripod stand; Schwendler’s Tangent Galvanometei’, as used by the Indian Government; L. Clark's Patent Double Shunt Differential Galvanometer and Set of Resistance Coils used with same. British. Association units. 1; 10, 100, 1000 Ohms. (See Advt. p. 131.) Between Sheffield and Chinese Courts.