Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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32 12 .—Geo. G. Blackwell, 26, Chapel Street, Liverpool. Speci- men of Crystallised Manganese used in preparation of manganese for Leclanche batteries ; Specimen of Crystallised Sal Ammoniac for Leclanché batteries; Specimen of Crystallised Sulphate Copper. Manganese and Sal Ammoniac as supplied for Leclanché batteries; Sulphate Copper as supplied for DanielFs batteries; Bichromate of Potash, as supplied for bichromate batteries. Carbon Plates as prepared for Leclanché, bichromate, and Bunsen’s (BlackwelFs modification) batteries; Carbon Blocks as prepared for Bunsen’s battery, clamps attached. Zinc Plates as bent for Grove’s cells; Zinc Rods for Leclanché; Glass Jars for Leclanche ; Porous Cells for sundry—Bunsen’s (BlackwelFs modi- fication) and Grove’s—batteries. Batteries made from above materials : Leclanché (2 sizes), Grove’s, Daniell’s, Smie’s, Bunsen’s, and Bunsen? s (Blackwell/s modification). Bichromate Bottles (4< sizes). Planté's Secondary Battery (2 sizes). (See Advt. p. 126.) Southern Gallery. 13 .—J. Bourne & Son, Denby Pottery, near Derby, and 6, St. Pancras Station, Euston Road; N.W. Stoneware Insulators and Battery Cells, possessing a high degree of vitrifaction, combined with great toughness and strength. The exhibits include several patented shapes, amongst them the well-known Varley’s patent double V and the Z patterns, which, have established the reputa- tion of these specialities for the possession of all the excellences of the best porcelain, with greater strength and durability, at less cost. Eastern Gallery. 14 .—L. Clark, Muirhead, & Co., 23, Regency Street, West- minster. Muirhead’s Sulphate Battery, with, square white porce- lain chamber, Hat porous cells, and zinc and copper plates ; Muirhead's Sulphate Battery, same as above, with, square ebonite chambers; HowelFs Patent Manganese Battery; De la Rue’s Chloride of Silver Battery; Menotti Battery; Various forms of batteries; Parts of batteries. (See Advt. p. 131.) Between Sheffield Court and Chinese Court. 15 .—T. Coad, 78, Blackfriars Road. A Galvanic Generator for electi’ic lighting and motor purposes. Gallery at bach of Concert-Boom. 16 .—T. Crampton & Co., 251, High. Holborn, W.C. Batteries (various), Terminals, &c. Southern Gallery. — H. J. Dale, 4, Little Britain. Batteries. (See Advt. p. 123.) Eastern Gallery, IS-—Boulton & Co., Lambeth, London, S.E. Porous Cells and Battery Jars; Jars for Storage of Acids, Stills, Worms, &c.; Crucibles, Melting Furnaces, &c. &o. Eastern Gallery.